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  • in reply to: Category Filtering #1130370

    That seemed to work!

    Here is the code that I ended up using after adding in your snippet.
    Thanks for your help.

    add_action( ‘pre_get_posts’, ‘tribe_exclude_events_category_month_list’ );
    function tribe_exclude_events_category_month_list( $query ) {

    if ( isset( $query->query_vars[‘eventDisplay’] ) && ! is_singular( ‘tribe_events’ ) && ! $query->tribe_is_event_category && $query->is_main_query()) {

    if ( ( $query->query_vars[‘eventDisplay’] == ‘list’ || $query->query_vars[‘eventDisplay’] == ‘month’ || $query->query_vars[‘eventDisplay’] == ‘day’ ) && $query->query_vars[‘post_type’] == Tribe__Events__Main::POSTTYPE && empty( $query->query_vars[‘suppress_filters’] ) ) {

    $query->set( ‘tax_query’, array(

    ‘taxonomy’ => Tribe__Events__Main::TAXONOMY,
    ‘field’ => ‘slug’,
    ‘terms’ => array( ‘facility-manager’ ),
    ‘operator’ => ‘NOT IN’
    ) );


    return $query;

    in reply to: Events Calendar Shortcode #1119674

    Thanks for the response George.

    I took your advice and removed the events calendar shortcode plugin. Tested it and the problem still persists. I then proceeded to deactivate all of my plugins, minus the events calendar plugins…problem still persists. When I switched themes (twenty fifteen), the category sorting worked. So, with that said…do you have any thoughts on why the theme I am using would be causing conflicts with the functionality of the shortcode I am using?


    in reply to: Scheduled iCal Import #1119669

    Hey Cliff,

    So I took your advice and deleted all of the test events that I had set up and created new “unique” events. I deleted the current recurring import and setup two new recurring imports (1 every 30 minutes, 1 every hour). These were set up on the 25th and as you can see from my screenshot, they have still not run.

    I have also deactivated all of my plugins at this point to see if there is any conflict and that didn’t seem to produce any different results.

    I am closing in on the end of my rope here. Are there any other solutions that you can think of to try and get this plugin working properly?


    in reply to: Scheduled iCal Import #1118759

    Hey Cliff,

    I have checked and I am on the most recent version of modern tribe plugins.
    My apprehension about disabling plugins or switching themes is that the site is live right now and to do one of those tasks would mean me waiting the 30 minutes to see if the import works. Thats time our sight would be down and that is not acceptable. Is there any other way to try and figure out why the import scheduler isnt working properly without disabling plugins or changing themes?

    in reply to: Scheduled iCal Import #1118293

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention, but I am not sure my original question was addressed. The problem I am having is the ical importer (plugin that I purchased from events calendar) is not working on a recurring schedule. Basically I want to be able to manage my calendar from google calendar and want your plugin to check my google ical address every 30 minutes to see if any new events have been added. So far, it has only imported once when I initially set it up. Since then I made changes to my Test calendar (the ical address I sent earlier) and they are not changing on the events calendar side of things.

    Let me know if that doesn’t make sense.


    in reply to: Scheduled iCal Import #1118145
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