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  • in reply to: Create new events and import from Eventbrite #986173

    Hi Nico,

    the #2 problem is not happening anymore after I commented out the line as described in previous comment. Unfortunately I’m on production server and I can’t test disabling all the other plugins/theme.

    I have a test site too, but I have the 3.10 version installed that doesn’t seems to have this problem (the line that I commented out is not present in this version) and I can’t update because I have one license key 🙂

    Regards, Carlo

    in reply to: Create new events and import from Eventbrite #985617

    Hi Nico,
    sorry for the late reply 🙂

    #1 ok, tanks!

    #2 Is not only an existing event, but the error occurs on new (create) event from WP. I know that I don’t modify the core of the plugin, but I need this “working” now!

    Regards, Carlo

    in reply to: Create new events and import from Eventbrite #984807

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    in reply to: Create new events and import from Eventbrite #984800

    Hi Nico,
    Create multiple row with &nbsp and EOL, in case of UL creates a new UL every LI (if you want I will send you the html imported from eventbrite)

    I dig into the code, and I discovered that there is a problem with:

    ticket_class.sales_end' => date( self::$date_format, $args->end ), (API.php line 442)

    I commented out and now I am able to publish to EventBrite (a temp workaround for me). I noticed that the startdate is 1/1/1970 (I think was an error too).

    Another point is the image (WP to EventBrite) is not supported yet?

    Regards, Carlo

    in reply to: Create new events and import from Eventbrite #984775

    I resolved the “permission” problem, and now the specific error message is:

    There was an error when syncing to EventBrite, contact our Support and provide the following information on the Thread:
    stdClass Object( [status_code] => 400 [error_description] => There are errors with your arguments: ticket_class.sales_end – INVALID [error] => ARGUMENTS_ERROR)
    Event published successfully. To make the event Live, payment information is required.
    Learn how to do this or go to Eventbrite right now and update the event.

    in reply to: Display two views on one page #965946

    Hi Brian,
    thanks for the assistance!

    regards, Carlo

    in reply to: Display two views on one page #965671

    Hi Brian,
    thanks for the information on the Event Rocket plugin, I’ll trying to resolve my problem.

    I have another question:
    If I use the events calendar list template (on the same page of month view) why is showing the oldest event instead the upcoming?

    Maybe there is a problem with the the have_posts() that are already consumed by the month view? In this case, how can I reset the queries to recall the other view?

    I tried to force the call:
    <?php tribe_get_template_part( 'list/content' ); ?>
    after the month/content
    or using event rocket with calling the same template:
    <?php echo do_shortcode("[event_embed from='now' limit=5 template='list/content']"); ?>

    Best regards, Carlo

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