Home Forums Welcome! Pre-Sales Questions WP API

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    Checking out your plugin and some addons but need to know if they have WP API endpoints because we want to build a mobile app and will need them. Specific plugins/addons I’m interested in are The Event Calendar Pro, and the Community, Filter Bar, WooTickets addons.



    Thanks for the interest in our plugins. I can help answer them, my answers are below your questions:

    Checking out your plugin and some add ons but need to know if they have WP API endpoints because we want to build a mobile app and will need them.
    We have not added any coding for endpoints for the WP API. Events, Venues, and Organizers are all Custom Post Types so you should be able to interact with the API by extending it:


    Here are our Custom Post Types:


    As for these plugins:

    Community, Filter Bar, WooTickets addons.

    WooCommerce Tickets uses their Products, but the ticketing information is separated from it so not sure how the API can interact.

    Again there is no coding to interact with the API so it maybe better to build your own solutions for Community and Filter Bar.

    Since we have not added anything to support the API it is beyond the support we can provide on the forum to get the API working with our plugins. It is something that I could see help extend the use of our plugins. If you would like to request that feature please head to our UserVoice Page and add your own or upvote that feature as they will increase the chances of it being added to a future version.


    Let me know if you have any follow up questions.



    Just posting a quick update that we’ve just launched The Events Calendar – Full REST Support. You can read the release notes at https://theeventscalendar.com/release-events-calendar-full-rest-support/.

    We also published a helpful guide: Introduction to The Events Calendar REST API https://theeventscalendar.com/knowledgebase/introduction-events-calendar-rest-api/ .

    We’re excited to provide this functionality for you.

    Courtney 🙂

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