Why are the logs in the WordPress Comments?

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    Each day that goes by with the new Event Aggregator finds a new level of frustration. When visiting my system today, I noticed 8435 new comments. All are:
    Author: core:aggregator:daily-limit-reached
    Comment: The daily limit of 100 import requests to the Event Aggregator service has been reached. Please try again later.

    Why are these in the comments of the events… AND… I am no where near 100 to boot.

    I have 13 facebook imports currently configured, each for weekly.

    My frustrations with this premium plugin are mounting.


    Additionally, the “on demand” type seems to be running automatically every few minutes. I am formally requesting that you remove the event aggregator functionality until it has been fully tested. Is there a conversion process to go back to the facebook import plugin? This is absolutely insane that we are dealing with these kinds of issues for a paid plugin.


    core:aggregator:daily-limit-reached comments are mounting at an alarming pace… 8488 and counting. Can you folks please expedite something here?????????????????


    Same problem here. Meanwhile I habe about 250.000! comments from Event Aggregator.
    All events are set to “on-demand”.


    PHPmyadmin run the following SQL, I ran them all separately so I can monitor what happens.

    DELETE from wp_comments WHERE comment_author = 'http_request_failed'

    DELETE from wp_comments WHERE comment_author = 'core:aggregator:record-not-finalized'

    DELETE from wp_comments WHERE comment_author = 'core:aggregator:http_request-limit'

    Change wp_ to whatever your db prefix is.


    Thank’s for your help Joseph, but this , of course,does not really solve the basic problem.
    And the support doesn’t answer.


    OK, this is now nuts. I have disconnected the aggregator from Facebook, but I am still getting comments through the system. 377 more since I deleted them all an hour ago. Will you please respond to this thread????


    Hi Christoph and Joseph,

    I have just logged a ticket in our system to decrease the number of import logs. While it’s important to log what happening with the importer, we can change it so the Limit Reached log only shows once per day, the first time you hit it, but not each subsequent time.

    We’d like to look more closely at the issues you are both reporting with scheduled imports firing at incorrect times. Can you please use the Private Reply function to share a database dump with us (via something like a Dropbox link)? That way our support team can look into this.

    Thank you!


    You guys need to move a bit faster than one response every few hours…. please give us something.


    Hi folks,

    Please consult this page to see what license holders can expect in terms of support → https://theeventscalendar.com/knowledgebase/what-support-is-provided-for-license-holders/

    It states the following:

    Please note that it may be 24-48 hours (during the week) before we respond to a post. Generally it’s significantly faster than that, but particularly during heavy support times we ask that you be patient.

    As shown in this post, we’ve posted now more than twice in a 24-hour period despite high volume in the forums. I totally understand the frustration surrounding issues like these, and do appreciate your patience.

    With that being said, what Leah noted above is important: we have confirmed a bug here where too many notices are being logged.

    Our team is working hard on fixing this problem.

    , can you please share some details about your site’s volume of imports? Specifically:
    1. How often are you running imports?
    2. How many pages/sources are you importing from?

    Thank you!



    1. How often are you running imports?

    Normally daily but in the we Event Aggregator we switch to “on-demand” and can’t import anymore as you know-

    2. How many pages/sources are you importing from?

    We usually import from about 300 facebookpages. We only import from facebook.


    Hey Christoph,

    Thank you for this information.

    Event Aggregator limits you to 100 imports per day. So if you are importing from 300 pages, that is a ton of imports!

    The bug here on our end is that the “limit reached” post should only happen once. As Leah noted, we are working hard on fixing this. I will post an update as soon as we have more information and when an update will be available.

    Sit tight, @Christoph! We’re working on a fix!

    — George


    Hey Christoph,

    I wanted to inform you that our developers are working hard on a fix for this and there is currently a fix in the code review and testing phase already. Hopefully, if all goes to plan, we can publish a fix some time this week.

    Stay tuned!

    Thanks so much for your patience,


    Hi again,

    Our team has also written a SQL script so that you can clear the comments and postmeta from your database. These 4 queries will help you erase that extra information. Please note you may need to adjust the table names depending on your install.

    DELETE FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key LIKE '_tribe_aggregator%' AND meta_value is null;

    DELETE FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_type = 'tribe-ea-error';

    DELETE FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type LIKE 'tribe-ea-record' AND post_status='tribe-ea-failed';

    DELETE FROM wp_postmeta WHERE NOT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM wp_posts WHERE ID = post_id );

    I hope the above is helpful while we work on getting out the fix to this issue.



    Great tip, Leah! If these queries help with clearing out all the extra comments and postmeta from your database, Christoph, let us know. If you are not familiar with running these queries yourself, your webhost may be able to run these for you if you request so from their support team.


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