Which is the better option to multilingual sites

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    I’m developping (or trying to do this ;D) a site based on yours plugins events calendar pro and wootickets. There’s a knowed issue with WPML that didn’t works properly. I’ve read a lot of threads that you’re doing your best to integrate with WPML from a long time ago untill now.
    This integration never comes so may be I need an alternative.
    Can you point me to a solution to do my project? Some plugin could be great


    Hi framegirona,

    As you’ve read, we are not yet compatible with WPML. The same issues make us incompatible with other multilingual plugins such as Polylang and qTranslate. Unfortunately, I do not know any multilingual plugin that is currently compatible. You may be able to use them, but it would likely take a lot of complex customization. I’m sorry we can’t provide further assistance.




    MMMMM Ok but I think that the only incompatiblity with WPML is with wootickets. TEC pro is compatible?


    Hi framegirona,

    Yes, I believe that The Events Calendar (our core plugin) is not compatible.




    Is there any plan to make The events calendar compatible with Multilingual plugins? If yes, wich one? I have a few sites that I will need to use 2 languages or more and if you don’t plan to do it in a near future I wil go with this option.
    I don’t want to, because I already purchased the events calendar pro.. But if I have no choice…


    Hi jolaurin,

    We are planning to make our plugin compatible with the popular multilingual plugin WPML. We also have a UserVoice thread for this feature so you can vote to have us add it in a future build. Adding your vote there will also allow you to stay updated as we work on it.

    If you need this capability very soon you might be happiest with a different solution. If you purchased PRO within the last 30 days we can give you a refund. If you’d like to do that, please send your purchase receipt to pro(at)tri.be and ask for a refund.



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