What does wordpress see the default all events as?

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO What does wordpress see the default all events as?

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  • #141617
    James Kashetta

    I have a quick question that I’m hoping to get some advice on. With the current theme that I am developing for a client, I am giving them the ability to select different headers for pages and by category. I have that all tied in for all pages other than when I display the events calendar.

    I’ve tried calling an image both as if the page was an actual wordpress page or as if its displaying a category, neither of which worked. I was hoping you could give me some idea as to how to make this happen I’m a bit baffled.

    I also have the settings in ECP set to display using my page template for now.


    Howdy jkash23686,

    That is a good question. From the sound of it the cause is basically related to the fact that the Events Data is mostly only accessible within the Events Template. So if you are trying to display the featured image for an event category outside of that template, you might have some issues.

    Have you taken a look at our Themer’s Guide? That walks you through creating an Events Template. From there you can call images like the one that you have evidently setup for Event categories.

    Does that make sense? Did I understand you correctly? Please let me know. Cheers!

    – Brook

    James Kashetta

    I figured out how to do this a few days ago I used <?php if(tribe_is_event()) { ?> in the if statement to pull the image in for the events.


    Awesome! I am glad you got it going. I only wish that we were able to assist. As you are no doubt aware we answer questions M-F, so questions from Friday get answered the following Monday. I hope the rest of the site goes smooth. If you have further API questions please let us know. We will get back in 24hrs during weekdays. Cheers!

    – Brook

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