Weird Sidebar Widget Behavior?

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  • #1278259

    I didn’t get any email notifications for this so I am reopening it again as I am seeing these issues across multiple sites.

    Topics: 5
    February 9, 2017| Permalink

    I am have the EVENTS LIST Sidebar Widget running and I am seeing two issues:

    1. When on any Event Page – it’s not displaying the List of Events, it displays the Calendar view? When on another page with a sidebar – it does display the List View correctly.

    2. It should NOT be displaying the Calendar View, but since it does, it is displaying the Calendar in a verity of different sizes. (see attachments).

    I do have the following set:
    .tribe-mini-calendar td,
    .tribe-mini-calendar th {padding: 0 !important;}
    .tribe-mini-calendar {font-size: 10px;}

    There are 2 classes style defined: Font Size & Cell Padding

    a) Calendar Month View recognizes the Font Size, but not the Cell Padding.
    b) Actual Event Page, it does not recognize either.
    c) Calendar List View, recognizes both the Font Size & Cell Padding.

    3. When the Sidebar List Widget does work, the DAY in the Grey/White box wiggs out above 1290px – what’s the Class to keep that all on one line?


    Hi, Chris. Sorry for your frustration.

    You can see all your support threads at


    If you’re not receiving email notifications from our forum replies, please make sure the address in your My Account page is accurate.

    Regarding the issues you’re experiencing with the widget, I didn’t see it in use at the URL you shared when creating this forum thread.

    Could you please provide a URL for me to see it in use at?

    And here’s a video demonstration of my testing site with Twenty Sixteen theme:

    I tried to be as thorough as possible and couldn’t reproduce any of the issues you shared here, assuming I fully understood them.

    Looking forward to your reply.


    I am still NOT receiving email updated, and yes my email address is correct!

    I don’t understand why you think your video is relevant? I’m not running the 2016 theme!

    Look I understand that themes can have an affect on plugins – I have only been programming for 23 years – I get it. But as a company you have to write your code the best you can to play nice with most themes. And I am a realist as well, I know you can’t support every theme – but with Divi form Elegant Themes serving over 400,000 customers and running on well over 5 million sites world wide – they are bay far the single most popular theme to date. It’s one of the reasons ILGM, Inc. has invested the time into Divi that we have for out own 3,500 clients.

    But, lets throw that ALL aside and look at you directly: your in business to make money, it’s why you do what you do. You CANNOT make money if your code looks like shit in someone’s theme, they will just delete it! (as I am about to)

    You job is to support TEC – that means when I (one of your clients) uses it TEC and has an issue, you need to help me fix it – NOT pass blame somewhere else!

    Yes, I’m fully aware that this “may” be a theme issue – BUT you coded your code and therefore should know what elements are controlling (in this case the date) the design layout and should be able to quickly say “hey Chris, add xxxx to your style sheet and that should resolve your problem!”


    I understand you’re frustrated, and we definitely understand Divi’s popularity. We even have a KB article about using it with our plugin:

    Testing on a desktop-width browser, I see your sidebar is set to a width of 20.875% from your Divi customizations, which means it’s only 219.094px in my specific browsing session.

    Our widget’s CSS “fails gracefully” (if you want to call it that) in the case of a very narrow container width because its text wraps instead of being cut off.

    So, here’s your current display on my computer:

    You could add this CSS if you’d prefer the text to be cut off instead (I doubt it but am providing it for demonstration purposes):

    .tribe-events-adv-list-widget .tribe-mini-calendar-event .list-dayname {
    white-space: nowrap;

    Or you could change the width of the date and info columns, like this, which is what I’m assuming you are wanting:

    .tribe-events-adv-list-widget .tribe-mini-calendar-event .list-date {
    width: 20%;
    min-width: 40px;
    .tribe-events-adv-list-widget .tribe-mini-calendar-event .list-info {
    width: 73%;
    min-width: 135px;

    (Note that I did not provide the responsive / media query CSS that you may desire to fully implement this customization.)

    To be clear, this is a customization not to Divi but to your implementation of Divi.

    Please familiarize yourself with our Scope of Support / Terms to help avoid any future dissatisfaction due to our support limitations.

    Finally, please let me know if there were other issues besides this widget’s day name display that you still would like assistance with.

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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