Week View: Adjust height?

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    I have seen answers that maybe a future rlease will allow us to change the start/finish times of the week view but my question is slightly different. Can I change HOW MUCH of the week view hours shows? Can I make the week view a longer page? My style allows for a long page. I’d love to be able to show 8am and 8pm in one view without scrolling. It’s ALMOST the same request as changing the default display hours.


    Thanks for getting in touch! This is currently possible, but not recommended because you’ll have to edit the javascript files directly to do this, and your changes could be overwritten when you update the plugin.

    However, if you feel comfortable editing javascript you should be able to change the height of the weekview section by looking in ‘tribe-events-week.js’ on line 111 you’ll see a function named ‘tribe_go_to_8.’ This function sets the height to 500px as you’ll see on line 114 where it says “height: ‘500px’.” You can change this value to whatever you’d like the height to be.

    After changing the javascript, you’ll notice that nothing changed on your site, because the plugin uses the minified version of the javascript by default (tribe-events-week.min.js). So, you’ll need to add the following to your wp-config.php file in order for your site to use the unminified javascript:

    define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true);

    The other option would be for you to try to find that same code in the minified version of the file.

    Hopefully that points you in the right direction to make the customizations that you’re wanting to. Good luck! 🙂



    Thanks. Even after changing wp-config I could not get it to work, and I could not find tribe_go in the min version… but I did find 8am and the height in the min version, and once changed, I got the calendar to start at 10 and be tall enough to show my 8pm event without a scroll. This was the last part of change I needed to make people happy.
    I am happy. I have already posted my review. The tool is helpful… it could just use a better option for colourization in a future release. Good work guys!


    Great! Thanks for confirming that this got you sorted. Since it looks like you’re all set, I’m going to mark this thread “Answered” and close it out.

    By the way, if you have a minute or two, we would love it if you’d write a few words for us here: http://m.tri.be/jw

    Thanks in advance. 🙂


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