Views don't work

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    I have our calendar set to Photos. However, when switching to Day, Week, Month or Maps our homepage is shown instead . How can this be fixed?


    Hi, Bart.

    I see you have the Redirection plugin active. You might want to check those rules.

    You also have Calendar Plugin. I don’t know what it is, but maybe there are some rewrites interfering.

    You should also go to wp-admin > Settings > Permalinks and re-save your current Permalinks.

    If you still can’t figure out why this is happening, please install the Rewrite Rules Inspector plugin (third-party, not guaranteed or supported by us) and see if you can figure out any of the rewrite conflicts.



    I have disabled the Redirection plugin, checked rewrite rules, resaved Permalinks and even changed the events slug to events2. Nothing helps.

    The view links in the calendar remain

    But now, I changed back the slug to events and guess what, the calendar does not work anymore. At all. For the millionth time.

    If every plugin we have demanded as much work as this one, we would need extra staff. It’s one thing after another with this plugin. Sooooooooo many bugs, and so unreliable.

    I have now once again disabled all plugins, including the Pro plugin, and the calendar is nowhere to be found. This is so frustrating! Please advice.


    Also, these are the rewrite rules for our main calendar page:

    array (
    ‘(?:events)/?$’ => ‘index.php?post_type=tribe_events&eventDisplay=default’,
    ‘(.?.+?)(?:/([0-9]+))?/?$’ => ‘index.php?pagename=$matches[1]&page=$matches[2]’,
    ‘(.+?)/?$’ => ‘index.php?category_name=$matches[1]’,

    No idea as this is ok or not.


    I understand the frustration of troubleshooting these sort of situations; however, one of the benefits of us handling so many questions from users is having a pulse on the issues they’re experiencing… and this one isn’t being reported by others, which is what leads me to believe there’s something in your site causing this.

    Do you have a 404 redirection or some other redirection like “if post ID is empty, redirect to home page”?

    I ask this because:

    Because the URL is being redirected to the home page and the anchor isn’t being lost, I’d again think there’s some rewrite/redirect in place here. Such a redirect may not appear in the Rewrite Rules I had you inspect previously.

    Please investigate your site’s code further and consult with whomever was involved in your site’s development if necessary.


    We do not have any redirects. But we are aware that a non-existing page always redirect to the homepage, and are looking into this. Maybe this is caused by our caching.

    But we don’t have any other customisations or development done to the site. It’s just the theme and some plugins like The Events Calendar. So there’s not much to verify.

    I did create a new empty WordPress site on our WP multisite with the Events Calendar and the same problem immediately occurs. So I’m not sure it’s either a configuration issue with our server, or a compatibility issue between Events Calendar and WP multisite. Could it be related to WP Multisite? I’m aware your plugin has other issues with that.


    There aren’t any known issues with the front-end on multisite; each site operates on its own as far as the front-end goes.

    It might help to know that the /events pages are the archive views for the tribe_events custom post type.

    You might want double check what a “non-existing page” is defined as in your “redirect to homepage” rule is. Feel free to share the code you’re using if that’d help you.


    Hi, without doing anything except updating to WP 4.9 and the latest version of The Events Calendar, this issue has been resolved.

    Strangely enough, we now lost the right sidebar (while we have not changed the template in Events settings; it’s still “Default Page Template”).


    Well I guess that’s good news 🙂

    Please let me know if you think I can be of further help to you here.

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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