View All bypasses Category limits

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    I have made a calendar, and per the directions, I created Categories, then I create menu items or pages for the seperate categories. This all works, If a person clicks a link for Category A Events, all they see is Category A. Category B events – B


    Now, if you open an event to view it. Then click ths View ALL at the top of the single event view. This takes the person to the default calendar, which shows ALL categories.

    Thus making the whole practice of making categories completely useless.

    the same thing happes with the previous and next links at the bottom of a the single event form. If the previous happens to be in a totally different category, so be it!

    I found this article. which could be a bit useful if you wish public and private events.

    I can also pretty easily hide the “view all” and previous next links.

    But neither of these resolve a pretty glaring limitation.


    Hi. Thanks for your detailed message.

    I wouldn’t personally consider these bugs, since the primary use case is for all events to be displayed as part of a single/master calendar.

    However, I understand your specific concerns because you want your calendar to be very category-centric.

    The “All Events” link comes fromĀ

    The Related Events comes from Events Calendar PRO: /wp-content/plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/pro/related-events.php

    That file usesĀ tribe_get_related_posts() to get the events, which is filterable. You can see the function at /wp-content/plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/functions/template-tags/general.php

    Hopefully this will help you in your customization, if you choose to do so.

    Please let me know how this goes for you.


    Thank you for replying.
    First I want to say, I have been customizing your code, especially the emailed tickets since purchasing your software. I want to go on record, you folks program exceptionally well. The code is some of the best I have ever seen, Perfectly formatted, spectacular variable names, and adequate documentation.

    For this use, I will not need to use all of the features, in fact most of my customization is for hiding many of them. I am still very happy to have contributed to your efforts.

    Thank You.


    I understand your position and greatly apprciate the tips for where to find the code.

    I had already made an adequate, NOT perfect, but very usable solution to the issue, I will continue with it.

    For anyone who would like to know how.

    I hid the Default “View Calendar” and the Next / Previous Event Links; using CSS.
    Next in Events/Display Setting I added the following in the HTML before event.
    This adds another button, that is a simple Back button.

    This will not prevent anyone from direct linking, or getting to an unwanted category some other way, but so long as people are aware of this. It is a very useable solution to keeping those categories seperated when needed.

    this is the simple code


    <button onclick=”goBack()”>Return to Calendar</button>

    function goBack() {


    Thanks for the kind words. I believe this snippet does what you did but without requiring CSS or template override:

    Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions on this topic.

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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