VERY slow admin area with recent TEC Pro update

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO VERY slow admin area with recent TEC Pro update

  • This topic has 10 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 1 month ago by Jonathan Vogel-Borne.
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  • #1475938

    Reporting the same issue with the TEC Pro update. I have two sites using respectively 500 and 1000 events with TEC Pro. This latest update makes the admin area 4 to 5 times slower than usual.

    Reporting the same issue as:


    Well, somewhat miraculously, ONE of my two sites that uses TEC Pro with the current versions decided to get over its sluggish admin area. That site is, hosted at Not sure exactly what happened, but there was a message in TEC settings asking me to update geolocations for 6 venues. After the update, the admin area returned to its normal speed.

    My other site,, with another hosting provider (, is still struggling. There are not geolocations to update.


    On my second site, I did have to roll back the TEC Pro to version 4.4.23. The backend admin area with the earlier version is now working as it should.

    STILL NOT SURE why one website with the current TEC PRO version is now and the other one required a downgrade. Thoughts?



    I’m having this exact same problem.

    I’ve had someone analyse the slow processes a few times and have been able to narrow it down to poor performing MySQL query. The query appears to be as follows:

    SELECT uhkv_posts.ID FROM uhkv_posts INNER JOIN uhkv_postmeta ON ( uhkv_posts.ID = uhkv_postmeta.post_id ) INNER JOIN uhkv_postmeta AS mt1 ON ( uhkv_posts.ID = mt1.post_id ) INNER JOIN uhkv_postmeta AS mt2 ON ( uhkv_posts.ID = mt2.post_id ) WHERE 1=1 AND ( ( uhkv_postmeta.meta_key = ‘_VenueAddress’ AND uhkv_postmeta.meta_value != ” ) OR ( mt1.meta_key = ‘_VenueCity’ AND mt1.meta_value != ” ) OR ( mt2.meta_key = ‘_VenueZip’ AND mt2.meta_value != ” )) AND uhkv_posts.post_type = ‘tribe_venue’ AND ((uhkv_posts.post_status ‘trash’ AND uhkv_posts.post_status ‘auto-draft’)) GROUP BY uhkv_posts.ID ORDER BY uhkv_posts.ID ASC

    Even running that in phpMyAdmin the query took 44.3788 seconds – and only returned 94 rows so its clearly badly optimised.


    Ohh the issue on my second site is NOT SOLVED. I thought by rolling back the update to TEC 4.6.11 and to TEC Pro 4.4.23, things would work. Sadly, no… 404 errors, only a handful of events showing up in month view, though they are all still there in other views. What to do? Help please.


    Same issue over the weekend. I had to re-save permalinks in WP on a site after rolling back. Give it a shot.


    Hi Folks!

    Thanks everyone here for letting us know about this issue and for keeping us posted about your findings.

    We’ve had some other users reporting this as well and we are already investigating this on our side.

    I will link this thread to the corresponding report so we can let you know as soon as we have an update for it.

    The problem seems to reside in our latest release of Events Calendar PRO, so for the moment the only workaround we’ve found is to downgrade to previous version 4.4.23.

    Just in case, let me share with you the following article that explains how you can downgrade your plugins >

    Jonathan, were you able to solve the 404 errors after downgrading? Like Mathew said, re-saving your permalinks structure should solve that.

    We apologize for the inconvenience and we appreciate your patience while we work on this.



    Yes, I had to do a major database restore as well… I am now back to the two earlier versions. Now I know to always refresh the permalinks… Thanks for your good work.



    Reaching out to let you know we released a hotfix for Events Calendar PRO that addresses the performance issues in the admin area. We are sorry about the issues caused and appreciate the patience while we worked a fix out.

    Please update Events Caledar PRO to version and let us know if the fix works for your site.

    Release blog post →


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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