Venue not shown

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  • #1092249
    Heinz Duschanek

    Hi there,

    how can I find out, why the venues in the list are not shown since a few weeks (I guess). There is no conflict with other plugins, but I use a child theme of the Genesis framework. The venue is shown when I activate the framework itself, but it’s not shown activating the child theme.

    Thank you in advance,

    Heinz Duschanek

    Addon: was there a change in the theme templating? Because when I’ve set up the website long time ago I created the “tribe-events” folder in the theme folder, put in there some files as mentioned in your theme guide. This seems to work incorrectly now, not showing the venues in lists.

    So when I rename this folder to e.g. “tribe-eventsOLD”, I see the venues in lists (although it’s look has changed of course).


    Hi there Heinz,

    Thanks for reaching out! Sorry to hear about this issue…

    Yeap, it’s probably due to an outdated template override. The list of the updated templates can be found in this article: Things to be aware of in version 4.1 of The Events Calendar, Event Tickets, and premium add-ons.

    If you point me to the actual page with the venue display issue I can help you finding the template that renders that view.

    Please let me know about it,

    Heinz Duschanek

    I could identify the file: /tribe-events/list/single-event.php

    It contains:

    <?php tribe_get_venue_link( get_the_ID(), class_exists( 'TribeEventsPro' ) ); ?>

    Or in full:

    <?php if( class_exists( 'TribeEventsPro' ) ): ?>
      <span class="datum-none"><?php tribe_get_venue_link( get_the_ID(), class_exists( 'TribeEventsPro' ) ); ?></span><br />
    <?php else: ?>
     <span class="datum-none"><?php echo tribe_get_venue( get_the_ID() ); ?></span>
    <?php endif; ?>

    And this does not work anymore.

    Heinz Duschanek

    I think I was successful, please confirm.

    New code in the top part of /tribe-events/list/single-event.php:

    // Setup an array of venue details for use later in the template
    $venue_details = tribe_get_venue_details();
    // Venue
    $has_venue_address = ( ! empty( $venue_details['address'] ) ) ? ' location' : '';
    // Organizer
    $organizer = tribe_get_organizer();
    if ($venue_name = tribe_get_meta( 'tribe_event_venue_name' ) ) {
    	$venue_details[] = $venue_name;	
    if ($venue_address = tribe_get_meta( 'tribe_event_venue_address' ) ) {
    	$venue_details[] = $venue_address;	

    And then display it with:

    <?php echo $venue_name . '<br />' . $venue_address; ?>

    I hope this change does not provide trouble in the future.


    Hey Heinz,

    Thanks for the heads-up! I’m glad you could sort this out 🙂

    What you did is what I recommend, just checking in the updated template how it’s done. Hopefully this won’t bring troubles in the short / mid term, but some new features might need a tweak on the template side of venues.

    I’ll go ahead and close out this thread, but if you need help with anything else please don’t hesitate to create a new one and we will be happy to assist you.


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