Using this calendar on 1-page sites

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  • #127300

    Hello! The use of 1-page themes is very popular right now, such as these two:

    I need to use this calendar on such a theme. However, given that there are no shortcodes available, I cannot find a way to integrate the calendar into this theme, as the calendar must appear on a specific PAGE.
    I understand that you don’t support shortcodes. However, I’d like to know if you have examples of users successfully finding a way (by customizing the code) to make this work with this type of site. I’m willing to do the work, but before I spend hours on this I’d like to know if you believe it is even possible. I have paid for the PRO version and if I can’t integrate this into my client’s site I’m not going to be able to use the plugin. That would be a shame as this is THE BEST calendar plugin I’d found, aside from the lack of shortcodes. Thank you for any insight you’re able to provide to help me make this work!

    Finally, I hope you will add shortcodes in the next release!


    Anything is possible!

    One way to workaround this could be to employ widgets (and this unofficial plugin lets you embed event widgets via shortcodes, should that make this easier). While widgets typically show less information than full views they themselves can be customized and there’s no reason you couldn’t build them up to show similar levels of detail.

    Embedding full views is also possible. The same plugin I referenced previously is capable of adding the main event page to the website’s front page – so once again that could provide a viable strategy and you could build on that, or take the basic approach and tweak it to further meet your needs.

    I hope that helps – and good luck 🙂


    Thank you for helping to point me in the right direction


    No problem 🙂

    …and as this thread’s not seen much activity for the last couple of weeks so I’ll go ahead and close it. Of course if you still need help with this or any other issue please don’t hesitate to create a new thread (or threads) and one of the team will be only too happy to help. Thanks!

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