US States won't go away when we're in Canada

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  • #943143

    Hello! All my events are in Canada. When I select “Canada” from the country list, the US states don’t change to Canadian Provinces even if the field label is “State or Province”. This is pretty much default behavior for the web and I don’t understand why the Events Calendar doesn’t do this. How can I get the Canadian provinces to show up?

    I attempted to edit /the-events-calendar/lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php to add the Provinces above the states, like so:
    “QC” => __( “Quebec”, ‘tribe-events-calendar’ ),
    “ON” => __( “Ontario”, ‘tribe-events-calendar’ ),
    “AL” => __( “Alabama”, ‘tribe-events-calendar’ ),
    “AK” => __( “Alaska”, ‘tribe-events-calendar’ ),
    “AZ” => __( “Arizona”, ‘tribe-events-calendar’ ),

    …however, when creating a new venue, if selecting one of these provinces, the information is not retained and if you go back and view the venue or view the event, it has not saved that info, the state/province field remains blank. So, it’s not that simple.

    I’ve searched the forum and apparently a few other non-US users also have issues with this but I was unable to find a solution.


    Hi immeemz,

    I’m sorry you’ve hit up against difficulties, here.

    There is currently a bug which means the US states dropdown does not disappear as expected when a country other than the United States is selected. We hvae this logged and it ought to be addressed in a subsequent release 🙂

    I attempted to edit /the-events-calendar/lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php to add the Provinces above the states

    Modifiying core plugin code is rarely something we’d recommend. It may be possible to add a dropdown of Canadian provinces and territories (and indeed take a similar approach for various geographies) but, at this time, the provided means of doing this is a simple text field.

    We’re always open to new ideas, though, so if you’d like to propose we offer dropdown functionality for countries other than the US please do post a note on our UserVoice channel (that way others can show their support for the idea) or indeed if there is a suitable existing request you can up-vote it.

    Thanks again!


    Awesome – and thanks for sharing that link (…if anyone else comes across this topic and feels the same, definitely do up-vote the above request!).

    Thanks again 🙂

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