Urgent: "Sorry, this key is out of installs"

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    Hi guys

    I’m getting an error message in the settings area when it tries to validate the key: “Sorry, this key is out of installs”.

    I haven’t changed the key, or used it on any other sites.

    The calendar is not showing up at all on http://www.gosfordnetball.com.au/calendar/

    Can you please get back to me ASAP.


    Hey Mike. Whether the key is in place/valid or not should have no bearing on the calendar’s appearance; the plugin technically will work in its entirety without a key in place (it’s only required for access to support & updates). So if the page was down, it wouldn’t be related to the lack of a license key.

    Also I’m seeing your calendar fine at http://www.gosfordnetball.com.au/calendar/. Is it possible there was a temporary server issue on your end? If you clear the cache and try again (to both add the key and view the frontend)? Let me know if so.


    Hi Rob

    Thanks for the speedy reply.

    The calendar not appearing seems to have something to do with WP Super Cache. If I turn the cache off, I can see it. When I turn it on, it just displays the home page. Weird. I’ll work on that part. The fact that you can see it is a good thing.

    Ok so regarding the key error message in the plugin, is that a problem? Or should I ignore it.



    Hey Mike. I see; interesting that WP Super Cache is causing a conflict, but good to know it’s not the core plugin.

    Are you still having the license issue? While you don’t technically need the key plugged in to use the plugin, I’d like to figure out what’s up here. Go to Account Central -> License Keys here on the tri.be site and make sure it isn’t linked to anything else, just to be safe. Otherwise send me an email (pro at tri.be) with a link to this thread and the key itself and I’ll try on my end.

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