Upgrading to 3.0 on Genesis Themes

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    Hey All – I manage quite a few genesis sites that run ECP, and each of them is causing the same layout issues. I’m not quite sure what to make of it yet, but here is the before and after (production/staging):

    — You’ll notice that somehow #content now contains elements that were outside of this block element before the upgrade…as if there is a missing closing tag somewhere.

    You can see it here as well:
    — On this page you will also notice that the layout is incorrect. The layout *should be content / sidebar, but after the upgrade it is sidebar / content

    Any help is greatly appreciated. -Rich


    I am having similar issues with Genesis since upgrading.


    Version 3.0 seems to be placing the sidebar inside the #content div. It’s hard to say if this is due to a missing close tag or not. Normally that would throw off the rest of the layout, but everything else looks fine. I was able to temporarily “fix” this using CSS, although it is not an ideal solution:
    .single-tribe_venue.content-sidebar #content,
    .single-tribe_venue.sidebar-content #content {
    width: 100%;

    .single-tribe_venue.content-sidebar #content .hentry,
    .single-tribe_venue.sidebar-content #content .hentry {
    width: 79.074074%; /* 854px / 1080px */
    float: left;


    I’m having the same problem with Genesis and templates with the sidebar active. Posting here to keep in the loop about a permanent fix.


    Hi Rich,

    I’m not seeing which elements are outisde of the #content div on your production site examples. I’m seeing all the calendar content within: http://cl.ly/image/0J0X3G3L0E44

    It’s the same way in 3.0, everything is in the #content div. Perhaps you already corrected things?

    On the single page layout, I would need samples of all the code you are using to get the sidebar there so I can try to reproduce on my end… Can you please provide some examples?

    – as I stated, 2.x put all the content in the #content div as well so nothing changed there… Like with Rich I would need some examples of some of the code you are working with to setup your layout to try and troubleshoot. Actually if you guys could send me copies of your theme that might help too. You can email to pro [at] tri [dot] be

    @Marc – I again would need to see or have explained some examples of what you are working with. It’s impossible for me to know what is going on for you without being able to see your code or know more about your plugin configuration, etc…



    Here is my solution (I’m an amateur, so let me know if I should do it differently).

    First, I believe the 2.0.11 version offered a choice in the settings to display the calendar view without sidebar, and single events with sidebar? Maybe my memory is bad on that one. Perhaps a suggestion for future updates, is an option for that?

    So seeing I only want the sidebar to appear in single event instances, I added the get_sidebar to the end of the single-event.php file.

    Then I added the following CSS:

    #tribe-events-content.tribe-events-single {
    position: relative;
    margin-bottom: 48px;
    padding: 15px 5px !important;
    width: 580px !important;
    float: left !important;

    That works for me. So it seems like the issue was that #tribe-events-content div is too wide and pushes the sidebar down, as it’s a block element. Let me know if I got that wrong.

    You can see the fixed page here:

    Now a question. If I want the Venue and Organizer pages to also have a sidebar, what are the template files to edit? Single-organizer and single-venue? Then, for the CSS it seems like there’s only the #tribe-events ID, but no class for those templates. Is the #tribe-events ID used anywhere else (so if I were to make it a certain width, would it impact other pages?). If so, I guess I can add a class in the template files for organizer and venue.

    Lastly, let me know if this is the best way to solve the issue. Or if there’s something I’m missing.



    Hi Marc,

    No, we did not have an option in 2.0.11 for displaying or not displaying a sidebar. Only the same options for choosing which template you want to use. Your solution will work, otherwise you basically need to modify things based off of which template you have selected in Events > Settings > Display. If using the Default Events Template, you can then modify the /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/views/default-template.php file by making a copy and placing in a ‘tribe-events’ folder in your theme. Then, you can make any edits you want and these conditional wrappers will help assist in only using certain code on certain pages, i.e. only calling get_sidebar() on certain event pages: https://gist.github.com/jo-snips/2415009

    This would apply to the venue and organizer pages as well as you can target them with the conditional code I provided.

    There are body classes in place for all the event related pages. So for example on the calendar/month view you will see ‘events-gridview’ set as a body class. Just look at the body classes for any page you are and you will know what to use.

    I hope that all helps but let me know if you have any other questions.

    – Jonah


    I’m using the Genesis theme, and have the same problem. When Default Page Template is selected, the #sidebar is put inside the #content div for some reason, it seems to be missing a closing div. So my quick fix was adding the < / div > end tag in the text box that says “Add HTML after event content” (in text view) under Display Settings. Worked for me. Maybe not for everyone, but puts the sidebar in the correct place when using Genesis and the Default Page Template setting


    Hi sparkuparts,

    We recently discovered a missing div end tag in our code and will be fixing this in the next release. Your fix will work for now but when we release 3.0.2 which will be very soon, you won’t need this anymore.



    @sparkuparts – thank you!


    @jonah is there an eta on 3.0.2?


    3.0.2 is out now!

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