Upgrading TEC Pro – Multilingual Support + Migration

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    Hi, we developed a theme a while ago using TEC Pro v.1.3.3. The site was multilingual so we were using WPML to handle translations. At the time, and even a year or so ago, it appeared the complete integration between TEC Pro and WPML was on the to-do list but not fully working yet. So we had to manually configure the Events to use a custom Bing Translate solution, which while it worked, was not ideal (machines are not so great with translations 😉

    So we are now needing to update this theme to be a bit more ‘modern’. With this includes updating WP and all plugins including WPML and Event Calendar Pro.

    1) Are we any closer to having TEC Pro work with WPML?
    2) If not, I assume we’ll need to try to port our existing Bing Translation feature to the new TEC Pro. I’m assuming the underlying code has changed pretty radically since v.1.3.3? Is there a fundamental change to how the events are created/stored?
    3) Is there any way we could ‘update’ our old v.1.3.3 or somehow export the existing events to import into the new v.3.5? There is no ‘update’ function in the WP Plugins section on the site so in our initial test we just installed the new version(s) and disabled the old one. Would love to retain existing events if possible, though.

    Thanks. Any other tips on making this large jump smoother/easier would be most welcome.


    Hi – great questions and I’ll try to answer them one at a time.

    1) Are we any closer to having TEC Pro work with WPML?

    This remains a priority for us but we have not yet worked on this issue.

    2) If not, I assume we’ll need to try to port our existing Bing Translation feature to the new TEC Pro. I’m assuming the underlying code has changed pretty radically since v.1.3.3? Is there a fundamental change to how the events are created/stored?

    Events are now stored in custom post types which may not have been the case in 1.3.x – probably the best strategy is to set up our latest plugin code in a test site and ‘pop open the hood’ to look at how things are stored and organized. A lot has changed!

    3) Is there any way we could ‘update’ our old v.1.3.3 or somehow export the existing events to import into the new v.3.5?

    Yes, this should be possible but I would advise against trying to do this in one giant leap. Instead, stage this an update incrementally, breaking the process up into a few steps (you would probably want to at least transition through a couple of 2.x releases for instance.

    Historic versions of our plugins can be found here and here.

    I hope that helps – and good luck!


    Hi! It’s been a while so I’m going to go ahead and close this thread (and so it will no longer be monitored by staff). If we can help with anything else, though, please don’t hesitate to create new threads as needed. Thanks!



    We are excited to report that our upcoming release, The Events Calendar 3.12, includes changes that greatly improve the compatibility between The Events Calendar and WPML. We’ve been working hard on this integration for some time and we want to specifically thank all of our users who requested and waited for this feature. We appreciate all of the support and patience!

    Version 3.12 of The Events Calendar will greatly improve compatibility with WPML, but we still have work to do. If you run into any problems integrating the two plugins, please post in our forums so that we can look into the issues. We’ll be on the look out for tweaks and fixes that will improve things further.

    Thank you again to everyone who has been waiting for this! The Events Calendar 3.12 is coming soon- watch your WordPress Updates page!

    and The Events Calendar team

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