Upcoming Events widget links all return to home page

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  • #55422

    Since updating to 3.0.1/3.0.2 the sidebar widget that displays the next four upcoming events all link back to the home page. The “view all events” link at the bottom displays the latest month and each event listed can be accessed for details. Please help. Thanks.


    Hi Thomas,

    Thanks for your message. Sorry to hear you’re having difficulty with the update.

    I just took a look at your site and it seems like the links are all working correctly now. Did you revert back to an older version of the plugin? If not did you figure out a work around? The way you described the issue sounds like a bug that has been found and the developers are working on a fix in time for the next maintenance update. I’ll update you as soon as its released

    If you still need assistance in the mean time just let me know what your current status is (i.e. reverted to older version or created a work around)


    I started another thread when the monthly view would no longer appear at all. It seems that TEC 3.x doesn’t work well with Thesis. My work around is to use the events default template using the events styles. I had to customize the CSS because adding a /tribes-theme/ folder to the Thesis 1.8 folder with a tribes-theme.css file does not work. Had to edit the tribe CSS files directly. The calendar will not appear in the theme default template, so I just went to plan B. The widget works fine except for left margin spacing which I fixed. It’s still not the best for my client, but it is functional. Thanks for your reply!

    Erin Rush

    I am having the same issue at my site. It sounds like I need to wait for an update? I am new to this so have no idea how to fix it myself.


    Neill, wouldn’t a shortcode approach eliminate the theme issues? i.e. If someone wanted the month view to show on a specific page or post, they would just add the shortcode (?)


    Hi Thomas,

    I have just checked in on this again with the team and the original issue that you mentioned is being addressed in a maintenance update coming very soon. As for using a shortcode to add the plugin on which ever page you want, do you mean you’d like to see this as an option for the sidebar. I can pass this suggestion along to the dev team and see what they think, but I believe the events plugin is a very modular plugin that works well when you have an area of your site dedicated to it, such as the /events/ page. You could of course create your own shortcode to call the function to display the calendar or any other part of the plugin. Taking a look at http://docs.tri.be/Events-Calendar-PRO/ might be a good start to point you in the right direction.

    yorkshiretots – Sorry to hear that you are also having a bumpy ride with 3.0. As I mentioned to Thomas there is a maintenance update coming very soon that should help you with this issue. If you need assistance on a work around in the meantime then I’d suggest you start a new thread and we can get you some help. Might be worth mentioning specifically if you are also using a thesis theme.

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