upcoming events not showing up on the Advanced Upcoming Events widget

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  • #10008

    the Advanced Upcoming Events widget (seen in the middle column here: ) is not showing upcoming events, even though there are some (they’re showing up fine in grid/list view: )

    any ideas on why this is happening?


    Hi Tracy. I see it’s working fine on the sub-page (the second link you included); have you compared the settings between the two widgets on Appearance –> Widgets, to see if there are any differences regarding how they’re configured? Is it possible that the first is set to just show events from a given category (and that category doesn’t have any events)?


    hey rob. both are set up exactly the same. i’ve even tested this by dragging the working widget into the “homepage” widget area, keeping all the same settings.

    i’ve been testing everything i could think of to make this work. is there any possible way to bypass the widget and hardcode this capability into my theme? if so are there any documents on that?



    Hi Tracy. hardcoding it is going to be a pretty intense process and unfortunately not something I have any documentation on right now. If you want to shoot me an email (rob at tri.be) with a link to this thread and a set of backend admin credentials for your site, I’d be happy to take a look directly and get our dev involved if needed. That work for you?


    sounds great. i’ll send that email tonight. thanks!

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