"Upcoming Events Events" in Events page browser title

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    My client pointed out to me that in the browser title, it reads Upcoming Events Events.

    There is no “Events” page, it seems to be auto-generating that page, so I’m not sure why or how it’s getting two “Events”.

    I’ve googled, but I’m not seeing much about it. Any tips?


    Hey Joelle,

    Welcome back 🙂

    We do have a few Knowledgebase articles focused on improving SEO titles which I’ll provide below. If you aren’t already using an SEO plugin, you might want to give one of them a shot. Plenty are available in the WP repository, but let me know if you want/need a recommendation.

    Let me know if either help and have a great upcoming weekend.


    Hello, thanks for responding so quickly.

    The first link “Altering or removing titles on calendar views” is not what I’m asking. I’m asking in the <title> area on the browser tab or window where it says “Upcoming Events Events”.

    I am not using an SEO plugin and my client doesn’t wish to. We don’t really have this issue with any other pages on the site — only the calendar. This “Events” page is being generated by your plugin, not by me. I have not created a page called “Events” or I would use an seo plugin or utilize the Genesis SEO page features that allow me to change the title. But I can’t do that.

    To me, this is a bug in the product to assume that everyone uses an SEO plugin. If the page is going to be automatically generated by the plugin and you are inserting the Page Title (Events) and the Heading of the page (Upcoming Events) there should be a way to keep it from being redundant, no?

    Should I just create a page called Events and manage it that way?

    Thanks! 🙂


    Actually, I just tried that — I made a page called Events and tried to utilize SEO document title adjustments to make it read something else entirely and it’s still spitting out “Upcoming Events Events”. Please see my screenshot.

    Thank you!


    Hey Joelle,

    If you wouldn’t mind, check out the snippet near the bottom of the ‘Altering or removing titles on calendar views‘ article and let me know if it helps. I just tested it on my local environment and was able to alter the browser title as desired.

    Keep me posted and have a good Thursday.


    Hi Hunter, thanks for responding. 🙂

    So, I tried that, but maybe I’m not clear on where I should be adjusting the browser title. Because if I change any of the information here:

    $title_upcoming = ‘Upcoming Events’; // List View: Upcoming events

    so that it reads simply “Upcoming” to remove the redundant “Events” in the browser title, then it also changes the heading on the event list, which I do not want.

    Am I missing something here? I feel like I’m not getting something obvious, but I can’t find any other place to change the browser title in the snippet, but it’s possible I missed it.

    I’m not sure why it spits out the extra word “Events” at all. I have no page called “Events”, it’s being generated somewhere somehow by the plugin. If it’s by design, I’m confused on why.

    Thank you!


    Glad to hear we’re on the right track 🙂

    The first snippet on this article should finally do the trick. Let me know if you have any specific questions and I’d be happy to answer. Have a great weekend and thanks for the patience while we figure this out!


    Hello again…

    So, I did search for this several times, why I never came up with that particular article, I’m not sure. That did work! Thank you very much. 🙂


    Hey Joelle,

    I’ve been doing this for almost a year and am always finding new articles and resources, so don’t feel too bad about it! If anything else comes up, feel free to reach out. Have a great rest of your week and thanks for everything!

    Cheers 🙂

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