Unique template for Tribe Community

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  • #75473

    I need to use a different template for Tribe Community than the one set in The Events Calendar settings (second tab).

    I have been able to hard-code a reference to the default template for Tribe Community in the-events-calendar-community-events->lib->tribe-community-events-templates.class.php on line 385:

    384: public function addRoutes( $router ) {
    385: $tec_template = ‘default’; // tribe_get_option( ‘tribeEventsTemplate’ );
    386: switch ( $tec_template ) {
    387: case ” :
    388: case ‘default’ :
    389: $template_name = ‘page.php’;
    390: break;
    391: default :
    392: $template_name = $tec_template;
    393: }

    But I know this will be broken the next time you update the plugin. How can I achieve the same result without changing the core plugin?
    Thanks,Benjamin Weggersen


    This was recently updated to begin using your EC template settings. Just go to ‘Events->Settings->Display’ and you’ll see this dropdown: http://d.pr/i/FGgT

    Whatever option you select there, Community will use. Hope that helps!


    My understanding, and experience, is that setting the option you’re refering to, also changes the template for the actual presentation of the event calendar. I want to use one template for the event calendar and another for the Community pages.


    That’s correct Hanen. Unfortunately this isn’t currently possible, except for the way that you’re currently doing it. In the future, I’m hoping we might add a filter so that advanced users can use a different page template than the main Events Calendar.

    Hope that helps!

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