Two Separate Calendar Pages on the Same Site

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  • #1324687
    Annie Tandy


    I am looking into having two separate calendar pages in the menu on the same site ( I will be adding a custom field to all events named “Location” with the choice of either West or South. I would like one calendar page to be all of the South events and the other to be all the West events. From previous discussions and the forum, it looks like it is possible to pull those two pages separately, but I have a couple questions about doing that:

    1. Is there a way to make the Location selection required for Community Event Submission or just required in general for anyone entering events into the calendar? Or if I was to have a “West” and “South” category instead, can the Category selection be mandatory in order for an event to publish?

    2. If the website user chooses to click on the South calendar and then changes the view of the (or whatever the url ends up being), will it switch to showing all of the events or just those with the South Location selection? Same with the Filter Bar… if the user is looking for free events for example, will it pull all of the events in the entire calendar for the results, or just those from the page they are starting with (

    I hope #2 makes sense. I’m basically wondering if the user starts with viewing a filtered calendar page, if they will be switched to the entire calendar if they change the view, use the filter bar, or even just click to see the next page of events. ie. is it worth having two separate calendar pages to start with or will they always end up being taken to the main calendar will all of the events anyway?



    Hello Annie

    For the location required feature, you can review This will enable you to make any field you want required.

    To make the calendars appear separately, I’d suggest using a categories. Then you can display the calendars using a shortcode filtered per category. We do offer Calendar View Shortcodes and Widget Shortcodes for either size layout.

    At this time, Filter Bar can only be displayed on the main Events page, not on a page displayed via shortcode.

    Does that clear things up?

    Courtney 🙂

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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