Tribe-bar-views-list does not exist only for tribe_events shortcode

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    I am attempting to insert the default tribe_events shortcode into various pages on a website I am assisting to develop.

    I have viewed your shortcode guides and I have attached the segments that are non-functional.

    The shortcodes I am using are: [tribe_events] and [tribe_events category=”various_categories”].

    The default shortcode monthly views are fully functional and the categories display as they should. I have tested the filtration system within the Tribe bar and the filters are all functional. However, the tribe bar views list does not appear in any of the calendars where the shortcodes are being used but the full calendar event pages all have functional tribe bar views.

    I have examined the source template files, along with inspecting the live site. It appears that the javascript code that inserts the tribe bar views list into the page after the html “select” element is not loading as you can see in the screen shots I have included (there is no “ul or li” html elements that happen with the default events calendar not using the shortcode). The javascript is functioning properly for the default calendar event pages. I have also attached a screenshot of the javascript code snippet and file that is not loading in the shortcode.

    I have not gone through the theme-deactivation process as switching themes could cause a large amount of problems. The theme is clearly loading the proper calendars in some areas, so I do hope the resolution can happen without needing to start the site from scratch.

    I appreciate your time and look forward to your assistance. Thank you.


    Hi John!

    Thanks for reaching out to us. This was related to a bug that was recently patched. If you update to the latest versions of the Events Calendar Pro and the Filterbar, the issue should be resolved.

    Just a note: I was not seeing these updates available yet in my test install, and had to manually download them from my TEC account. The versions you need are v4.4.24.1 of Pro, and v4.5.4 of the Filterbar.

    Let me know if that helps.



    Hi Sky,

    Thank you! The problem has been solved.



    Great! I’m glad that fixed things for you.

    Let us know if you have any other issues or questions in the future.


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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