tribe-bar-date has an errant z-index

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    For some reason, the tribe-bar-date field in the tribe bar has an inline z-index of 10000 set. As far as I can tell, none of the other fields in the tribe bar have such a z-index. In fact, it looks like they are all set to auto.

    Without a CSS override, this makes the field stick out from behind my drop-down menu system.


    Hi Kevin,

    You’re right and in honesty I’m not sure why it’s quite such a high value, but I can certainly check in with the team and ask. In the meantime though I can see a fairly straightforward path to reduce or remove that z-index property: what would you like to do here – remove it or reduce it (and to what)?



    Given that only this one field has an inline z-index set like this, I think the correct solution is to remove it. (line 4107 of the-events-calendar.class.php) That way the entire bar behaves with the same z-index settings, which I’m sure is what’s intended.

    In my case, I need a z-index on that bar <100 because I'm using UberMenu. Ubermenu uses 100-500 to make sure it is on top of stuff, but obviously there could be plenty of others out there with different needs on their sites.


    Sure – we’ll revise this for a future release. In the interim you could remove that z-index property with a snippet like this one (which you could drop into your theme’s functions.php file, for example).


    Hi, Kevin. This is just a note to let you know that this is another one where we didn’t get a chance to look at your issue for our maintenance release this time around.

    We do plan to find a way to help you out with this. We look forward to addressing this as soon as we’ve got bandwidth/resources to allow it.

    Thanks for being part of the TEC community!


    Hey there,

    I just wanted to let you know that a fix for this issue is included in our upcoming version 3.3. Keep an eye out on your WordPress Plugins page for an update. Thanks for your patience while we worked on this!


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