Translations not working

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  • #1157711

    Hi there

    Please take a look at the screenshot below. The Fields “Purchaser Name”, “Purchaser E-Mail” and “Going” / “Not Going” are translated but are still not showing in german.

    Thanks for helping out


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    Geoff B.

    Good evening Brian and hello again,

    You are absolutely right.
    Alas, this is yet another manifestation of the event ticket and event tickets plus translation file bug.

    The good news is that I found out that there is an additional workaround to fix the issue.
    Instead of downgrading the plugins, you can:

    1. Open the appropriated .pot files and re-save them
    2. Open the related .po files and update them from the appropriate .pot file

    Thank you for helping us improve by reporting these.

    Best regards,

    Geoff B.


    Hi Geoff
    Thanks for confirming. Im going to wait for the 4.2.6 update and test it again then.

    Geoff B.

    Awesome Brian,

    Let me know if you change your mind.

    Have a great day!

    Geoff B.


    Hey Brian,

    Just wanted to give you a heads up that we are in the process of releasing Event Tickets and Event Tickets Plus 4.2.7 and they include a fix for this issue. Please keep your eyes open for the update and let us know if you continue to see issues after the update.

    Thanks so much for reporting this and for your patience while we worked on it!



    Hi there

    it seems like this hasnt been fixed by the last update. (just updated it)


    Geoff B.

    Hey Brian,

    Thanks to the fact that these are recorded separately, this has bumped this ticket to the top priority.

    Thank you for that.

    Geoff B.


    Hi Geoff

    Has this been fixed? Still occurs.

    thanks Brian

    Geoff B.

    Good afternoon Brian,

    This did not make it in our 4.3 release unfortunately. I am sorry about that.
    I have requested that all .pot and .po files should be updated every release moving forward.

    Hopefully, this will now become a systematic thing moving forward.

    Thank you for your patience,

    Best regards,

    Geoff B.


    hi there

    i checked the release of yesterday and had to realize that again it hasnt been included in the update.
    if the solution is as easy as you said, please geoff take a look that this gets now a top priority to your colleagues.

    even if you provided a workaround i think this has to get fixed more on time.


    Geoff B.

    Good evening Brian,

    We did do a major effort for translations in our latest release (4.3.1).

    I just checked the German translation file and what is going on is that the strings that are not translated (e.g.: Purchaser) on your website are in fact not translated in the German language file.

    You can see that for yourself by opening the file up in the free Poedit software.

    My recommendation would be to:

    1. Open that language file
    2. Click on Catalog > Update from pot file

    You will notice no changes, but Poedit will suggest “automated” translation (fuzzy) for the untranslated strings. You can manually approve these or change them to your liking.

    I would offer to do that, but my German is pretty basic unfortunately.

    Once that is done, upload the updated po/mo files to your /wp-content/languages/plugins folder.
    This way they won’t be overwritten by a future plugin update.

    Let me know how that goes.

    Best regards,
    Geoff B.


    hi there

    i checked the release of yesterday and had to realize that again this also hasnt been fixed completely.
    only the second screenshot is fixed.

    when will you be able to fix that?

    please mark this ticket “pending fix”


    Geoff B.

    Good evening Brian,

    Thank you for the timely follow-up as always.

    I will mark this as “Pending fix” as per your request.

    Although you might not be able to see tangible results at this point, we did improve several things related to our translation files over the last few weeks.

    For one thing, all translation files are error free and contain all strings for all languages (as packaged with our plugin). The missing task is to work on how we sync to the Glotpress repo for all languages.

    Once that is done, we will be all set moving forwards.

    In the meantime, you can use the fully translated German language files here:

    Best regards,

    Geoff B.

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