Translations not working

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  • #1157591
    Mr. Peri


    the WordPress 4.6 version has a 100% translation for my language, which I downloaded and uploaded to my files. I then did translations on the event calendar pro and ticket pro projects as well as on the event calendar and ticket plugins on, downloaded everything and uploaded everything (everything’s .mo and .po files) to the (hopefully) correct directories with my file uploader (Filezilla), but the calendar and tickets simply refuse to translate. Thus far, only the week days and month names have translated. Please help. I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong or what. I followed every forum and textbook and knowledge base documentation i could find on this and it just doesn’t want to work.

    Geoff B.

    Good evening Mr Peri Peri and welcome back!

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    We are sorry to hear that the Calendar and the Tickets are not translating properly.
    I would love to help you with this topic.

    There is currently a known glitch with translation files for Event Tickets and Event Tickets Plus (which is a priority one bug).
    Unfortunately, I cannot commit to a release date at this point. But stay tuned, you will be contacted when fix is released.

    However, I am unaware of such a bug with the Calendar. Would you mind telling me what your language is so that I can run some tests ?

    In the meantime, as a workaround, even if this is less than ideal, downgrading one version of each plugin should work.
    You can read more about it here:

    Let me know how that goes.

    Best regards,
    Geoff B.

    Mr. Peri

    Thank you for the quick feedback.
    Language is Afrikaans (_af, from South Africa – ZA). I did most of the translations on both the free and paid ticket and calendar plugins so what I need to appear in Afrikaans for the customer is definitely translated. You can see it here:
    It would be great if there is a fix for this, as I need to build 2 more sites after this one with both these plugins also in this language.
    Let me know if you need login details and stuff.

    Geoff B.

    Good evening Mr. Peri,

    Thank you for writing back.

    I was able to run some tests and I have good news.
    It seems that the following steps work with your theme:

    1. Find the .pot files for both the Events Calendar, Event Tickets and Event Tickets Plus
    2. Re-save the .pot files
    3. Update your .po / .mo files from the .pot file for each plugin

    OR, the easier way:

    1. Download the latest Afrikaaans files here:
    2. Make sure they are renamed properly to match those in your language files folder
    3. Overwrite the current language files for our plugins

    Either one of these solutions will fix all of your translation issues.

    Let me know how that goes.

    Best regards,
    Geoff B.

    Mr. Peri

    Thank you….juuust help me a little bit…not sure what you mean by the .pot stuff. I downloaded the new .po and .mo files for all 4 plugins, but what do you mean about the .pot file? I can’t download that somewhere…
    I got the .pot file from the plugins using my FileZilla. Now what do I do?

    P.S: the site went from the demo to live this morning, new domain is

    Geoff B.

    Good evening Mr. Peri,

    I have even better news for you.
    According to my tests, simply updating to the newest version of our plugins should solve this for you.

    Would you mind trying it out and confirming ?

    If you prefer my earlier solutions, you will have to pick between the 2.
    The first one involves some intermediary knowledge of updating translation files:

    My second solution (since you downloaded the po and mo files) is simpler.
    You just need to rename the files you downloaded so that they look like (example with spanish):

    • and event-tickets-es_ES.po
    • event-tickets-plus-es_ES.po and
    • the-events-calendar-es_ES.po and
    • tribe-events-calendar-pro-es_ES.po and


    Let me know how that goes.

    Best regards,
    Geoff B.

    Mr. Peri

    Ok, taking into consideration that we are in defferent timezones, as I type it is 9:17am here, there was an update yesterday that i did but it was mostly still in english after the update. I also did the route of downloading the .mo and .po files from the links you sent before and dragged them into the language files into the various plugin folders and replaced the others. Still in english….i have no clue what else to do 🙁

    Geoff B.

    Good evening Mr. Peri,

    Thank you for running those tests.
    I am sorry we have still not solved your issue.

    The bug ticket for faulty language files is still open, so if nothing else, that should get addressed very quickly.

    On my end, I have ran a lot of additional testing.

    It seems like my first solution (re-saving the pot files and updating the po files from it) is the only one that has had success for some of our users.

    So here’s the breakdown of that solution:

    1. Download the /lang/ folder for each plugin
    2. Make sure you have the Poedit free software installed
    3. Go in the lang folder and find your .pot file
    4. Open it (it should open Poedit).
    5. There will be an automated message that Poedit fixed the .pot file
    6. Save the pot file
    7. Open your .mo file (still using Poedit)
    8. Click on Catalog > Update from pot file
    9. Select your freshly re-saved pot file
    10. Save your po file once the update has been completed
    11. Repeat for each plugin
    12. Upload your po and mo files back on your server

    Let me know how that goes.

    Best regards,
    Geoff B.


    Mr. Peri

    HA! and done! thank you for all your assistance! Your part I was doing right, it was the WordPress Afrikaans translation itself that was the issue. They chose to rename the file completely different than any other language file, so over the weekend I had a brain fart wondering how the plugin language files and the wordpress languae files communicate with one another, and then it hit me, but wait a minute, the stuf is named wrong so how will it know?! and BOOM.

    Just one more thing now, the page name is Upcoming event, the evens translated to afrikaans but not the upcoming. I checked in all the translation files and it is translated to Komende Gebeure but that single word doesn’t want to pull through.

    Mr. Peri

    Never mind, i missed 1 little one…it’s fixed. THANK YOU soooooo much for all your assistance! I wish all the plugin support forums were like this one!
    Fantastic guys

    Geoff B.

    Good afternoon Mr. Peri,

    This is awesome! Kudos on solving these issues.

    You are absolutely right, the naming convention for the Afrikaans language files looked a little odd to me, but since I have little experience with it, I was not sure if that was normal.

    Thank you for your fantastic words. It’s super appreciated!

    You are welcome back on our support forums any time 🙂

    For now, I am going to close this thread.

    Have a great week!

    Geoff B.


    Hey there, just wanted to give you a heads up that we are in the process of releasing Event Tickets 4.2.7 and it include a fix for this issue. Please keep your eyes open for the update and let us know if you continue to see issues after the update.

    Thanks so much for reporting this and for your patience while we worked on it!


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