Translation is suddenly missing

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  • #1626461
    thomas furter

    Hi I miss part of the translation. All of a sudden it is gone. I do not habe an explanation for that. It sad “Anstehende Veranstaltungen” and now it sais “Upcoming Veranstaltungen”.
    What needs to be done?
    I attach you a screenshot as well.
    Thanks for your help.



    Hi Thomas!

    Thanks for getting in touch with us!

    Let me help you with that issue.

    First, please check if you have any translation updates by navigating to your WP Admin > Dashboard > Updates.

    The strings of text you point out should be translatable via the translation files. You can learn more about this in the following articles:

    Hope that helps. Let me know how it goes


    thomas furter

    Hi Victor

    i followd the translate-the-events-calendar link and imported the two files. but there is still the English word infront of the German one.

    Best regards

    thomas furter

    PS.: all plugins are updated.

    thomas furter

    There is nothing really translated.
    Even though the general page settings is set to German (Swiss).

    Beest Thomas

    thomas furter

    ah, now I set the language to German, instead of German (swiss) .
    This wirked now.
    Is this the clue?

    Best Thomas


    Hi Thomas,

    Thanks for keeping us posted about this.

    Yes, that seems to be the issue. It seems that the translation for German (Switzerland) is only 1% complete. If switching to German works for you then that is probably the best thing to do.

    I can see that “German (Switzerland)” has a lot (more than 2000) of translated strings waiting to be approved by a translator editor. We don’t have direct access to approve them, but one of our team members have reached out to a user in Germany who may probably be a translator editor for “German (Switzerland)”. We can’t really promise anything, but you can check the status of the translation every once in a while and see if there is an update for it >

    I hope that helps. Let us know if any follow up question.


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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