Tooltips not working; unable to isolate theme conflict

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    I am finally attempting to update my copies of The Events Calendar + PRO from 2.0.11 in a local development environment. I have not been able to do so in all this time because the original upgrades conflicted with my custom theme, and I did not have the time or inclination to fix it.

    However, we will be rebuilding our custom theme soon, so I am now trying to isolate the conflicts so that I can avoid them in the new theme. In general, upgrading went better with 3.6.1 than with 3.0.1. But tooltips simply will not work.

    TEC works correctly with the Twenty Eleven theme and all of my plugins running. With the custom theme active, I tried deactivating plugins. No, definitely a theme issue. I tried turning off all the theme’s stylesheets. No again. I removed all scripts from the theme headers and erased the functions.php file to ensure that no custom scripts could be fooling around with the calendar. Nope. I tried all of these things together at the same time. Still not working. At this point I’m down to a basic WP loop with no frills and the tooltips are still broken.

    I don’t know where else to look. What are the specific code requirements for a custom theme to work with TEC? What pieces of HTML/PHP have to be present? What scripts/functions must be running?


    Thanks for getting in touch and sorry to hear you’re having trouble here, but hopefully I can help. The way that tooltips work change significantly in version 3.5, and it’s quite possible that your Custom Theme is using some old template overrides that are causing issues.

    Does your theme directory have a ‘tribe-events’ folder in it? If so, try renaming that to something like ‘tribe-events-disabled’ in order to temporarily disable your overrides and let me know if that fixes things.

    Thanks! πŸ™‚



    I forgot to mention that I deleted the override folder from the outset. So that didn’t fix it, unfortunately.


    Can you share the URL with me, so I can investigate further? Thanks! πŸ™‚



    This is a local development environment, so there is no URL.



    This is a local development environment, so there is no URL.

    Unfortunately that severely limits our ability to troubleshoot the issue, if we’re not able to see the behavior in action and inspect for errors. Is it possible that you could put this out on a DEV server, so that we can help you troubleshoot further? If not, then unfortunately our hands our tied and our ability to provide support will be somewhat limited.

    Thanks! πŸ™‚



    Without troubleshooting my particular theme (since the ultimate point is to construct a new, compatible theme anyway), can you point to documentation or elaborate on the exact minimum theme requirements? What pages, code, styles or scripts must be present?


    Take a look at the WordPress documentation on Custom Theme Development here: There’s a ton of great resources there and should answer most of your theme development questions. If you follow the best practices laid out there, then all of the features of our plugin should be compatible with your new theme.

    Alternatively, you could create a Child Theme from one of the Default WordPress themes (my particular favorite is TwentyThirteen), and you’d be up and running with something custom MUCH faster.

    Hopefully that points you in the right direction. Thanks! πŸ™‚



    OK, but that’s not really an answer. What are the bare minimum theme requirements for TEC Pro? I tried loading Underscores, for instance, and while the tooltips displayed, the event dates within them were mangled. As Underscores is an Automattic theme, I presume it is built following best practices.


    Underscores is designed to be a starter theme or blank canvas, that theme developers can use to create their own custom theme. It’s not designed to be an attractive theme right out of the box, which is why you might be seeing styling issues. With that being said, could you send me some screenshots so I can see the issue at play here? Thanks! πŸ™‚



    I just wanted to follow up and see if you’re all set here or if you still have further questions. Just let me know if you have further questions or if I should go ahead and close out this thread. Thanks! πŸ™‚



    No, I’m not at all set up. My questions weren’t answered and I’m pretty frustrated. By the way, when I say that the dates are mangled using EC Pro with Underscores, I don’t mean that the styling wasn’t “attractive,” I mean that date and start times are missing from the tooltips. I can fix unattractive, but I can’t fix broken functionality. That’s why I would like to be pointed to documentation showing the minimum functional requirements for a theme, any theme, to work with EC Pro.


    Sorry to hear your frustrations on this, but could you send me a URL or some screenshots, so I can investigate the issue further? Thanks! πŸ™‚



    Were you able to resolve this? If not, could you provide me with some screenshots or a URL so I can take a close look? Thanks! πŸ™‚



    I’m caught up in another project at the moment, but screenshots will be possible. I’ll also upgrade to the new version of WordPress and see if that affects anything. It may be a little while, but you’ll hear from me as soon as I can get to this.

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