Titles not displaying, random images displayed, archive generally broken

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  • #1324981
    Ollie Simpson

    My calendar page is suddenly no longer displaying event titles, is randomly showing incorrect featured images (that are found nowhere within the event page), is no longer displaying pagination, ‘read more’ links have switched from buttons to text, and some ‘read more’ links just point to the main events page.


    The only change I’ve made was to enable SIteOrigin Page Builder for event pages, and to hide featured images on single event pages. I cant imagine how either step might have caused this range of issues, and I’ve tried undoing both steps, clearing caches, and reloading the page, but neither solves them.

    I’m at a loss to explain what might have caused such significant, inconsistent, and seemingly random problems. Any advice you could give would be much appreciated.

    Ollie Simpson

    Update: it appears that the above issues were caused by having set a content character limit in Appearance > Customize > Content Archives. I’ve changed it back to 0 now which has resolved the issues, however I do need to find a way to change that setting without it affecting the Events page, is this possible? Thanks.


    Hmm, might Appearance > Customize > Content Archives be specific to your theme (or else be added by another plugin)? Not sure I can identify it in a clean install with only a default theme and our own plugins.

    Given that, I’m not entirely sure as to the role of this setting. Can you amplify on this detail a little more?


    Ollie Simpson

    Ah, apologies, I’m using the Genesis framework, perhaps that setting it specific to it. Will do some more research, cheers!


    OK, that could be it.

    On the plus side, Genesis has plenty of hooks (if it’s Genesis that provides that option) — so it may be possible to cleanly workaround this once you identify which.

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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