Timezone data incorrect after v4 upgrade

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    Hi guys,

    After the v4 upgrade, all event times shown on the site were set back one hour (-1) and events after the daylight saving date in March 2016 even 2 hours (-2). Here is how I fixed this:

    – I am in timezone UTC+1 (local time atm = 8:10AM)

    – This is correctly set up in the WordPress admin environment

    – Before the v4 upgrade all was fine.

    – The Event Times in the ‘Edit Event’ overview are unchanged/OK:

    – But this event shows up on the site as 11:30 = 15:30:

    – And another thing I definitely DO NOT WANT is the time changing because of daylight savings!! The same event with the exact same times I set up (10AM-12PM) now lags 2 hours behind for events after March 27 (the day the time gets shifted one hour because of daylight savings)

    – I have run the Timezone fixer but nothing has changed

    Changing the Timezone-mode from “Use the sitewide timezone everywhere” to “Use the local timezones for each event” did fix the issue for me.

    Please inform us better about major changes like this. I only realized the error 2 days after the upgrade, so will have to inform many of our customers/guests about the wrong time data.


    This worked for me! Thanks for posting!



    Hey @Hans,

    Thanks so much for posting about this here!

    We have indeed heard a few reports of this and are hoping to implement a fix to ensure that timezone functionality works as expected.

    Thanks for posting here and for your patience with us while we fix this; we’re working on it! 😀

    Please keep me posted here if you have any other questions, comments, or concerns in the meantime.



    I’m in the UTC -8 Time zone. All of my events are showing +8 hours ahead. (For example, an event starting at 8am is is starting at 4pm on The Events Calendar.) (Interestingly, events after daylight savings time ends are +7 hours.)

    If I “+Export Listed Events” on the Events Calendar page, it downloads the events to my calendar and adds another +8 hours onto the event start time. So, in the example mentioned above, an event starting at 8am on one day, is starting at 12am the following day in the exported list. (for a total of +16 hours)

    It seems that the time off is related to the UTC time zones. The person in New York had events showing +5 hours and they are in time zone UTC -5.

    … just a thought.

    Also, I tried Hans’ fix but it didn’t work for me. (But thank you Hans!) All my events are still +8 hours in the calendar and +16 hours when downloaded. Looking forward to a solution …


    Thanks for this information @isabelle! We’re working hard on smoothing out all of the nuances with this functionality, stay tuned for the maintenance release coming soon!



    Hey there,

    Great news–we have a fix for this issue ready and it will be shipping today in version 4.0.2. Please keep your eyes peeled for the update and let us know if any other issues pop-up in a new thread and we’d be happy to help.


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