Time/date details missing Undsgn / Uncode Theme

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  • #1343567


    I’ve discovered something odd with the use of Events Calendar Pro with the Uncode Theme: The time (start and end) doesn’t show up on non all day events (as in both time and date is set on events on a single day).

    I’ve tried with the Twenty Seventeen theme, and everything is fine, both with or without customization on the single-event.php-file. In addition I’ve tried to add the .tribe-events-abbr.updated {display: block;} hack, but it seems that the informations just isn’t there (as the source code is not showing any timestamp).

    Have added two sceenshots with both the Uncode and Twenty Seventeen theme display.
    The live page: https://maritimecleantech.no/event/kick-off-meeting-global-growth/

    Any clues?


    Hey Espen,

    Thank you for reaching out to us! I’m very sorry about this issue you are experiencing, let me help you to solve it!

    Can you please access your Dashboard and head over to Settings -> General and make sure that the Time Format option is not blank?

    Probably your theme is changing the time format or hiding it and conflicting with Events Calendar. Also, please make sure that you don’t have any custom code inside your theme’s functions.php file or inside the tribe-events directory (if you have any template override in place) that might be affecting your time format/display.

    I hope this helps you get started. Let me know if you have any other questions in the mean time and I’ll be happy to assist!

    Best regards,



    Hi Patricia,

    The date and time fields both in WP and TEC were in place. The customized template files I’ve made for TEC were not the issue.

    Your tip about the theme’s functions.php file headed me in the right direction. I discovered that I’d made some tiny adjustments there to not show the time stamp in the widget I had on the front page. Removing this piece of code made the time pop up at all instances of the listing of an event.

    This was the code causing it:

    //Remove time for all-day events in widget list
    add_filter('tribe_event_is_all_day', 'all_day_enforced_field');
    function all_day_enforced_field ($output ) {
    	if ( !is_admin() && tribe_is_event() ) {
    		$output = true;
    	return $output;

    This is heading towards another question: Do you have a tip on how to remove timestamps (‘at 10:00’) in widgets?


    Hi Espen,

    I’m glad to know you were able to find the cause of the issue! Regarding the widget customization, you can achieve what you want using a template override. I would suggest you to copy the content from:




    And modify line 105:

    <div class="tribe-events-duration">
       <?php echo tribe_events_event_schedule_details(); ?>                                                                                                                                     

    I hope this helps you get started! Let me know if you need anything else in the mean time.




    Thanks again Patricia,
    That did the trick!



    Hi Espen,

    You are welcome! Let me know if you need anything else and have a great day!



    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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