Tickets Plus – Start/End Sale

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus Tickets Plus – Start/End Sale

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  • #1407578
    Uwe Matern

    Good Morning,

    we recently updated to the most current version of tickets and tickets plus. We use RSVP heavily.
    It seems that there are changes in handling of the start and end date for tickets sale.

    We do not want any start or end date assigned to a RSVP. But there is no way yet to empty the respective fields.

    Pls advise.

    Best regards


    Hi Uwe,

    I’m sorry you’re running into this issue with RSVPs! Can you please send me a screenshot of your ticket settings for one of the RSVPs where this is happening (with the sections expanded), along with a link to the event on the front end? I tested this out on my end, but I was not able to recreate the issue (I was able to create a new RSVP without entering a start/end date).

    When you say that you are not able to empty the fields, are dates showing up that you did not enter (and are not able to remove), or are you trying to change/remove dates that you had previously entered?



    Uwe Matern

    This reply is private.

    Uwe Matern

    This reply is private.


    Hi Uwe,

    Thanks for sending the link and screenshots!

    I see what you mean now…I tested this out on my end as well to verify: after saving the event and refreshing the page, a start sale date is automatically stored on the ticket, which was the time that the ticket was created as you mentioned. This is currently the expected behavior for tickets. I believe this is basically the same way that tickets worked in previous versions, even if no dates were actually shown in the fields – if the fields were empty and the current time was past the end of the event, tickets would no longer be available. So, tickets would not be available before the ticket was created or after the event ends. However, you should be able to change the dates to anything you’d like if these dates don’t work for you.

    I’m sorry for the confusion following the updates, but if you have any other questions, please let me know!



    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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