Tickets not showing on event page

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  • #54238

    I am looking to launch some tickets for an event only a month away, and was surpised to find that the tickets are not showing for purchase on the event page. I tried adding the woocommerce shop to my menu to see if they would show there, but did not. I had no problems on another site I used it for last month, but apparently this one is different. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

    woocommerce version = 2.0.11


    Can you confirm which versions of The Events Calendar you are using?

    If for instance you are using WooTickets 1.0.1 then you should also use The Events Calendar 2.0.11. Alternatively, if you are using The Events Calendar 3.0.1 then you ought to use WooTickets 3.0.

    Does that help?


    I am using EC 2.0.11 and WT 1.0.1 with WC 2.0.12

    It doesnt show an update available for WT. here is the link to the page that should be showing tickets.
    Everything looks fine, but its missing the tickets at the bottom of the page. I have 4 tickets available for this event do you think that would be causing an issue? Ive only ever had 2 before.


    You should be able to have any number of tickets per page (and we tested it with a great deal more than just 4) … so something else would seem to be at fault here.

    Have you customized your events/single.php template at all? If so, can you share the code (via a service like Pastebin or Gist)? If not, can you share a screenshot showing the settings for at least one of the errant tickets (so I can see information like stock, date to start selling and date to stop selling tickets, etc)?



    I have not modified any php. Here are links to screenshots of my plugin versions, and 2 of the tickets that arent showing. there is no start date, for sale since that should default to selling now, but I have also tried setting sale to start on the 10th (yesterday).
    plugins –
    tick 1 –

    tick 2 –


    OK – can you try adding both start and end dates, to see if that helps with this?


    unfortunately it did not help. Since I was up against a deadline, I am using the woocommerce shop page to display the tickets for now, but I would like to get this ironed out since I cant figure out how to change the permalink of the product back to the shop/product page from the event page. Thanks.



    As you note this is working just fine on a different installation, so perhaps there is a conflict with either a theme or plugin or even an environmental issue (if for instance it is hosted by a different service or in a different configuration). So … can you:

    * Deactivate everything except The Events Calendar, WooTickets and WooCommerce
    * Switch to a default, unmodified theme such as Twenty Twelve
    * Test if the problem remains
    * Assuming the problem has gone, reactivate everything one-at-a-time until the problem returns (it may not)
    * At the point where the problem comes back, take note of whichever component – be it your theme or a plugin – you last activated

    If we can isolate the cause of the problem we can then consider our options 🙂


    Closing this out since it’s been a while without any follow up.

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