Ticket Number Duplication

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    A customer has brought to my attention today that several ticket numbers have been duplicated. It looks as though several customers have purchased tickets at the same time. I’ll attach a screen shot so hopefully you’ll be able to see what I mean. The right number of tickets have issued and everything else is correct – it is only the actual ticket number that has duplicated.


    Howdy Saha,

    Thank you for reaching out about this. I believe you are spot on, it would seems that there would be a super momentary delay between when we retrieve the last used ticket ID and when we increment it. If a second customer purchased a ticket between this millisecond window, in theory they would get a duplicate ticket number. That’s crazy!

    This is definitely a bug we’d like to address. I really appreciate you bringing it to our attention. I do not really have a solution for now, we will just have to wait for this to get patched in a future version. Once patched, all new tickets should get a unique ID. I am very sorry for the inconvenience.

    We will let you know once a fix is released. Please let me know if you have any questions. Cheers!

    – Brook


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    Hi saha,

    I am a Modern Tribe Developer looking into this issue, but missing some pieces of the puzzle to get it solved.

    Would you be able to provide a backup of your site files (minus the uploads directory) as well a copy of the database and then provide a download in a private link?

    I usually use this free plugin to create backups:

    BackWPup – WordPress Backup Plugin

    It would help us in getting to the bottom of it if you can.



    Hey there,

    I’m just wishing to report that I’ve experienced the same issue with my event. Tickets are getting unique security codes and all the information is correct, but there are some that have the same ticket number.
    I believe that this is also causing the system to miscount how many tickets have been sold which is a real concern as if I hadn’t noticed I may have oversold the event.

    If you could let me know when this is likely to be resolved that would be great!




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    Thank you for letting us know you too are seeing this issue Timothy. If my theory is correct I could see how that would affect attendance counts as well.

    Brian wisely wants to double check that we found the source of this so that we can make sure our fix will address it. Thank you for sharing a copy of your database Saha. I just forwarded it on to Brian for testing.

    – Brook


    Hey there,

    Just wanted to give you a heads up that The Events Calendar 4.2.4 was just released this week and included a fix for this issue. Please update when you have a chance and please do let us know if you continue to see this or any other issue happen — we’d be happy to help. 🙂

    Cheers and thanks for working with us on this!


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    It might be easier. But lawyers have advised us never to do that.

    I have a possible fix I have crafted, but testing it will require directly modifying some of your site’s files. If you don’t feel comfortable doing that I totally understand. I will keep an eye out for other folks with this issue if any pop up/ They could test it out and report back.

    The good news is that there should not be any issues with QR checkin from this. And if you are checking the security codes you can still tell whose ticket is whose. But obviously we still want to find the source of this if it is impacting multiple sites. We thought we already had, but since the fix did not work on your site we’ll have to do more testing, and that will involve having to try this on a site experiencing the problem since we are not able to reproduce it.

    Please let me know if you have any questions in the interim. Cheers!

    – Brook

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