Ticket not saved when entering international characters in name/description

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  • #1266545

    We have encountered a serious issue in ET/ETP. When adding (or editing) a ticket (RSVP or WooCommerce-based), and entering international characters in the name or description fields for a ticket, the ticket is not saved when pressing the Save Ticket button.

    The issue is also observed when using other special characters in the name/description fields, like “%”, “#” and “&”. We do not usually use these characters for ticket name/description text, but these should not cause problems if used.

    When deleting the international characters from the name/description fields, the ticket is saved correctly.

    As our site uses the Swedish language, we need to be able to use international characters for our tickets. Previously, we have been able to use international characters for tickets.

    We tested on different browsers (current Safari and Chrome), and on two different installations of the same web, and the issue remains. Also, all other plugins are deactivated, and the default Twenty-Sixteen theme was used during testing.


    After deeper inspection of the issue, the problem seemed to be caused by ajax calls to the file /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php. When %-encoded characters are posted (international character, or [] used by custom fields), any Save call failed. When no %-encoded characters were sent, the calls were successful.

    The problem was caused by security settings blocking calls to the file admin-ajax.php (in mod_security module). After excluding the file from security checks, the issue is resolved. You may contact your web hotel/provider to change these settings.


    Hi there Andras,

    This seems to be a duplicate of your other thread → https://theeventscalendar.com/support/forums/topic/ticket-not-saved-when-adding-a-custom-field/

    In any case glad to hear this is resolved 🙂


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