ticket name being pulled instead of generic event name

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus ticket name being pulled instead of generic event name

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    On my site the name of an individual ticket is being pulled instead of the generic event name. So the words ‘concession’ and ‘full price’ appear in the event name as well as the individual tickets


    It seems that one of the ticket details for an event is linked to the woocommerce products so when the name on that particular ticket is updated the name of the event on the products page also changes. This also happens when the product title changes, editing the product title also changes the name of one of the tickets. I am assuming it is the first ticket which was set up which is the one that is linked to the product title.


    Hi adriansome1,

    I’d love to see a specific example so as to be clear about what you are experiencing, but it’s worth pointing out first of all that each individual ticket is actually a WooCommerce product – so both share the same name.

    Does that clarify things at all?


    Hi! It’s been a while so I’m going to go ahead and close this thread. If we can help with anything else, though, please don’t hesitate to create new threads as needed. Thanks

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