Ticket form

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus Ticket form

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  • #1226778

    We just updated from Wootickets to ETP— we had the ticket form at the top and the bottom of the page by modifying our functions.php– this is because our event pages are very big and we liked that setup. Now the functions.php is ignored and the only options in the settings are top, bottom but not both.

    How can we fix this?

    Thank you.


    Hi Tyler,

    Great question! I’m afraid that Event Tickets Plus does not have the same snippet option for adding the ticket form in multiple places that WooCommerce Tickets had. Instead, Event Tickets Plus allows you to choose where the ticket form is located using the option on the Events > Settings > Tickets screen:

    Sorry I do not have a workaround for you here, but does this at least help clarify the change between WooCommerce Tickets and Event Tickets Plus? Please let me know.



    okay, is there any kind of shortcode that can be used to call the ticket form or something that is in the works? Our event pages have a ton of info on them, they are very big– If this can’t be resolved, how difficult would it be to downgrade back to using wootickets instead of this?

    So far we are pretty disappointed with this forced+paid upgrade. We aren’t really seeing any benefit in it’s new feature set over what we previously had, and the features that we did use are no longer available.


    It’s not the most graceful solution, but I achieved what i needed using jQuery clone to put the ticket form where ever I need it.


    Hey Tyler,

    Thanks for following up!

    It’s not the most graceful solution, but I achieved what i needed using jQuery clone to put the ticket form where ever I need it.

    Glad to hear it, man! Nice work and thanks for letting me know.

    So far we are pretty disappointed with this forced+paid upgrade. We aren’t really seeing any benefit in it’s new feature set over what we previously had, and the features that we did use are no longer available.

    I’m definitely sorry to hear that. I do believe Event Tickets Plus offers a significant upgrade over WooCommerce Tickets, personally. Things like ticket global stock, custom registration fields, attendee reports, simple RSVPs and support for default and customer post types alone are major features that were previously unavailable, but I totally understand and can appreciate that the changes are not going to suit everyone the same way.

    To my knowledge, the solution to move tickets was a temporary was a temporary snippet provided as a customization recommendation rather than a support feature. Were there other features that were removed that you are missing in Event Tickets Plus? Please feel free to let me know and I’d be happy to share those with the team so we have that on record.

    Thanks a ton,

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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