Ticket amounts

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  • #701812

    I ran into 2 small isues when creating events. And a weird bug 😛
    – On the Event Callendar, it shows “join” right now. Eventhough all the tickets have been already sold. Like on oktober 19th.(http://www.jbworx.com/colourandspice/events/)
    – In the Single, the default amount of tickets is set to 0, instead of 1. Which is very confusing, because when people press the cart to add the ticket, nothing is added. (http://www.jbworx.com/colourandspice/event/smbs-januari-2015/)
    – For some reason, the order of the tickets sometimes reverses, showing the one farest in the future first, and the nearest last.


    Hello, Sorry for the troubles, but I can get you going in the right direction.

    Here are my notes for each issue:

    Join Button

    Join button is being created by your theme, Vamtam. They would be a better resource on how to remove that from the page.

    Default Ticket Amount

    The ticket amount is being set by WooCommerce and there is a function to change the default amount to one. Here is an article with some more details.


    If you add the following coding into your themes funtions.php it should make the default amount set to 1. Please be warned this is for all products in WooCommerce.

    // Simple products
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_quantity_input_args', 'jk_woocommerce_quantity_input_args', 10, 2 );
    function jk_woocommerce_quantity_input_args( $args, $product ) {
    $args['input_value'] = 1; // Starting value
    return $args;
    // Variations
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_available_variation', 'jk_woocommerce_available_variation' );
    function jk_woocommerce_available_variation( $args ) {
    $args['min_qty'] = 1; // Minimum value (variations)
    return $args;

    Attendees Order

    Not sure why it reverses, does it stay reversed or just on a random loading of the list sometimes it does it?

    Let me know if that helps and what you find out about the attendees order.



    Thanks for the quick reply!

    I realized (too late) it was a vamtam thing too and wasn’t a question for this support forum. But I’ll be sure to look in the template files again.

    Thanks for the code, I realize that it’s set on 0 because it’s possible to have other tickets in there, would be weird to have all of them on 1. But seeing as that will never happen…

    About the order of the events, I’ll see if I can find a pattern in why it happens, I’ll let you know if I do.


    Great, glad it is figured out. I am going to close this ticket as the main issue is resolved. However, if you do see a pattern on the order of the events please create a new ticket and reference this one. It will help us solve it for you.


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