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  • #1295433

    This is not good. Events Calendar Pro on our live website has suddenly begun posting “There were no results found” when loading the next/previous month. Only after a page refresh will the scheduled events populate the calendar. Most of our users will not figure this out and this is unacceptable. We have been using Events Calendar Pro for 3 years without this issue…now all of a sudden? I deleted the plugin directories completely and performed fresh reinstalls…to no avail. We haven’t added any new plugins or made any changes at all (aside from WP updates) when this issue suddenly arose. I searched the forum and found this issue to be around since at least 2015…but no solutions were ever provided/found. Here’s our site calendar…

    Please advise. Thank you.


    Another observation/symptom with this issue is that this does not occur when logged into the wp-admin console…but when logged out (general public website visitors) the issue prevails.


    Hello cchweb,

    Thank you for using our plugins and for your continuous support!

    I’m really sorry you are experiencing this issue when switching between months. I might be able to help you with this one.

    I see that you are using two caching plugins, which are listed as must-use plugins. Caching plugins might give you that behavior. I would recommend you to test the site without those plugins, or if that is not possible, then exclude the calendar pages from caching.

    Check and let me know if that helps.



    Hi Andras,
    Thank you for your reply. I removed the two caching plugins from the mu-plugins directory as instructed: “endurance-browser-cache.php”, “endurance-page-cache.php”
    Unfortunately this has not resolved the problem. Please advise.


    Hello again,

    I’m sorry to hear that didn’t help. This usually happens when there is some sort of caching is in place, and logged in users mostly don’t get the cached version of the page, only the non-logged in visitors.

    Please try to check if any cached files remained in your installation. It can easily happen that even after the caching plugin is switched off / deactivated, the files created by the plugin are still served. This is usually when some rules in the .htaccess file are set up to look in a cache directory for static HTML files at first. Possibly if you look at your .htaccess file (normally in the root folder of your WordPress install) you will be able to find the folder where the cache is kept. (One possible location is wp-content/cache). Either rename the folder or remove its contents. Or remove the rules from the .htaccess file.

    Alternative option, if the caching plugins have some accessible options in the dashboard, then re-activating them, go to the options, clear cache, disable plugin.

    Does this move us forward?


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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