There is no event page after installation

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    I have successfully installed the free version for some tests. Then deactivated it, bought the pro version and made a new installation as described on your support page of both of them.

    Currently, there is no possibility to display the events page. Every other content page like single events, locations, widgets etc. appear as they should.

    The page where the main event page should appear is
    Looking in the source code there is no html generated. The console doesn’t give any errors. Same problem exists with disabled permalinks.

    I hope you can help. There is no problem in giving you an user account or phpmyadmin access.

    Best regards,


    Hi there, Marian! Sorry your running into this issue with the calendar showing up but let’s see if we can’t figure it out together. 🙂

    I’ve seen something like this crop up before and it usually has to do with a theme or plugin conflict.  Could you try temporarily activating the default Twenty Thirteen theme, to see if the issue happens there as well?

    If disabling the theme fixes it, that’s good news! It means we have narrowed the issue down to a theme conflict.

    If the issue is still there when using the default Twenty Thirteen theme, then we can try testing for conflicts with other installed plugins. Using the Twenty Thirteen, please try deactivating all of your plugins, except for the ones from Modern Tribe. Does that solve the problem? If so, reactivate the plugins one at a time until the issue pops back up, then tell me which one was causing the issue.

    These steps are also outlined here if you want some more details on how to test for conflicts.

    Give those steps a shot and let me know what you find.



    Hey Geoff,
    thanks for your super fast response. I have activated the standard theme, and boom there it is, works totally fine.

    So the problem is a theme problem, but it can not be a native problem, because I was already able to successfully activate and use the plugin within this theme.

    To be honest I have no idea how to continue finding the error. If you have again any suggestions I appreciate it a lot!

    Thanks for your help, best regards,


    Thanks for confirming the conflict, Marian!

    Man, it’s super weird that theme works fine with the core plugin but starts acting up when the pro version is activated on top of it. We try to support as many themes as possible but it looks like there’s something about this one that is causing the conflict.

    Have you tried reaching out to the theme author? They may have a better idea of what’s causing the conflict since I’m unfamiliar with this particular theme.

    I’ve seen something like this happen before when there’s a jQuery conflict, such as having it called twice. You could try using the wp_dequeue_script() function to remove scripts on this specific page to see if removing some of the theme’s scripts clears it up. Additionally, here is a list of all our scripts and their corresponding handles.

    You may also be able to overcome it by creating a new page template specifically for the calendar and pointing to it in Events > Settings > Display. However, that might just duplicate the issue rather than getting to the route cause of it since the conflict appears to be in the theme.

    Sorry I don’t have more concrete information for you, but does that help answer your question? Please let me know. 🙂



    So there is this plugin, which has the ability to work (obviously, because it already has worked) but it do not want to work with this theme anymore (has worked with this theme already).

    As far as I can see, every script that should be loaded is actually loaded. As well, as I deactivate every other plugin, the site still does not show up, so there are no plugins blocking each other.

    It does not matter if there is the pro plugin de- or activated, both versions do not work anymore.

    The only change I have made, before reinstalling, was to delete the old inserts of the mysql database, because I wanted a “clean” reinstallation. Of course (and only) in the table wp_posts

    After a clean setup of the free version without any content added, which tables or inserts in the table wp_posts need to exist to make the plugin work? In my understanding thats where the error is caused.

    If you have any other suggestions your welcome as well. Currently I cannot find any script which does not work probably. These are also listed in the console, if it comes to any errors, aren’t these?


    Yeah, as long as you have event posts in your database, the expected behavior would be for hte events to display on the page. From what I can see, the plugin is adding its body class styles and has interaction with the page, but the HTML itself isn’t printing.

    One other thing you might try is adjusting the plugin settings (Events > Settings) to see if you can override the theme conflict there. For example, if you have set calendar to use a theme template instead of a plugin template (Events > Settings > Display), then try reverting to the plugin defaults. I would play around with things like that to see if you can avert the conflict the theme seems to be causing. I know it sounds trivial, but it can be effective.


    Ok, I still do not know how the error is caused, by changing settings -> display, in german is called “Standard Seitenvorlage”, should be something like “standard page template”, to “standard event template” made the events appear again. I guess this is what your last suggestion was.

    Thanks a lot for your support! You did a great job and really helped me a lot!


    My pleasure, Marian! Thanks for following up. I wish we could pin down the exact issue, but I’m glad the standard event template works.

    I’m going to go ahead and close this thread, but please feel free to open a new one if any other questions pop up and we’d be happy to help. 🙂


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