The server responded with a malformed response. Please see the JS console for mo

Home Forums Calendar Products Event Aggregator The server responded with a malformed response. Please see the JS console for mo

  • This topic has 10 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 8 months ago by Constantino Thamnopoulos.
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  • #1144962

    I just bought ICal and unfortunately none of my two calendars are being imported.

    I get and error: The server responded with a malformed response. Please see the JS console for more information.

    This are the my calendar keys:
    (I know its a private key.. its alright sharing it .. i will reset it later)



    This reply is private.


    Hi Brook,

    Thank you for coming back to me so early.

    This is what I can see on the javascript console:

    JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
    import-form.js?ver=4.2.2:597 TribeImporterIcal.loadEvents failed
    import-form.js?ver=4.2.2:598 Object


    Hello there,

    Any new about this isse?


    Howdy Again,

    Sorry for the delay, but we’re back in action now after the weekend.

    Thank you for sharing this. The error I was looking for was the 500 error. A 500 error is often caused by the server running out of resources such as memory (RAM). That seems the likely issue here. You are trying to import about 370 events in those files, and many of those are recurring event each of which can contain tens to hundreds of events within it. Unfortunately a lot of web servers are not going be able to handle processing that many events at once. Many web servers, especially cheaper ones, provide you the same amount of RAM as a late 90s computer…

    The first thing I would do if I were you is to try and confirm that this is the error. When there is a 500 server error most servers will note more details in the server logs, it might say something like “Fatal Error memory exhaustion”. Your web host can help you access these logs if you do not know how. Then you can try another upload. Note the time that the 500 error occurs. Now you can search through those logs for errors around that time. What error is in here?

    Or, you might just try importing less events at once. Google calendar you to break your events up into multiple calendars, and each can be exported as an .ics file. You appear to already have a couple calendars. You could create a new calendar, move an event into it, then try importing that .ics file. This import will likely work, which would indicate that your server is just struggling importing hundreds of events at once.

    If your server is running out of memory then we will need to either use less memory by importing fewer events at once, or get a server with more memory. You could try breaking up your events into more calendars/.ics files like in the above test. Or, you might check with your website host or other website hosts to find something that can accomodate importing hundreds of events. Sometimes your current website host will increase the memory limit if you just ask them to, and usually they will do it for free.

    Does that all make sense? Did importing a single event from a new calendar work?


    – Brook


    Hi Broook,

    Its Constantino here, hope this post finds you well.

    I did increase the resources on the hosting and now the calendars seem imported but then
    I get a message error:

    “2 saved imports did not complete. | click to view” 🙁

    I would highly appreciate a prompt response about this issue as we got this new plugin about
    2 weeks ago and still no able to import.


    Excellent! I am happy to hear it imported this time. Are all of your events apparently present?

    The error you are seeing is likely just telling you about the problems you had before when the server had a fatal. If you are still seeing those messages and yet the events seem to be present. When you click to view do the error messages go away? If you are worried that it did not get imported correctly, you could try doing a one-time import right now and and seeing if the error message comes back. If not you should be all in the clear.


    – Brook


    Hello Broke,

    Hope this message finds you well.
    Yes, this message keep coming back and if I click on the link Im just
    getting back to “Saved Recurring Imports”.

    There I can see 2 of the 3 recurring imports with a red side bar.
    Awakening & Healing August 6, 2016 August 9, 2016 04:50 Once Daily 7
    Awakening & Healing August 6, 2016 August 9, 2016 04:52 Once Daily 10
    Awakening & Healing August 6, 2016 August 9, 2016 04:56 Once Daily 5

    It looks like only a few events have been imported as you can see….


    Would you mind trying to delete the saved import and recreating it? Now when you run it, what happens?

    I am wondering if the errors from back when your server was having issues permanently affected the saved import. It is strange it is not showing more detail here on what went wrong.

    • Brook
    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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