The Basics – trying to customize single event layout

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    I’ve looked through the knowledge base, but the information in there seems just plain wrong.
    We are redoing our website and wanting to restyle our events calendar pro.

    First question – where is the php file that defines how a single event page is laid out? I know that if I put a file in /theme/tribal-events/single-event.php (NOT /pro/ as the documentation claims) it will get used. But where is the original??? We want to tweak a little what ECP comes with.

    Same goes with the meta block. Again, I’ve discovered that if I put a file in /theme/tribal-events/meta/details.php that will get used. But where is the original?


    It is not exactly clear in the documentation:
    Most of the functionality is provided NOT by events-calendar-pro but by the-events-calendar, so most of the layout files are in THAT directory.
    Disregard what is written in ‘The Themers Guide’ on here with regards to the /pro/ directory in your theme. My /tribe-events looks like this and works properly:

    └── tribe-events
    ├── modules
    │   ├── meta
    │   │   ├── additional-fields.php
    │   │   ├── details.php
    │   └── meta.php
    ├── single-event.php


    Nice work! I’m so glad to hear everything is working smoothly and I appreciate you following up to let us know. Definitely keep us posted if any other questions come up and we’d be happy to help. 🙂


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