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  • #1104248

    How do I get rid of these words in events. ….

    Don’t list me on the public attendee list


    Hi @acqua and welcome to the forums!

    Good question. You can remove those words by deactivating the public attendee list option for the event (screenshot).

    Or, if you’d prefer, you can add the following CSS to your theme’s style.css file or by using the Simple Custom CSS plugin:

    .tribe-tickets-attendees-list-optout {
    display: none;

    Will this work for you? Please let me know. 🙂




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    Thanks for following up!

    Did the CSS help remove those words?

    You can hide related events events by heading to Events > Settings > Display, select the option to “Hide Related Events” (screenshot) and then save your settings.



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    Hi @acqua,

    It appears the screenshot of your Events > Settings > Display settings didn’t come through. Would you be willing to try re-sharing it again or perhaps linking to it?

    If that setting is somehow not there (which be really odd!) then we could use CSS to hide the related events like we did for the public attendee list:

    ul.tribe-related-events {
    display: none;



    here is the admin event area.

    Also, if I need to use the CSS, where do I put it?


    I just tried the code you gave me in the style sheet and it did NOT work.


    The CSS solution offered in this, and other threads, is a poor solution to the problem. It may hide the field, but it doesn’t actually change the option, so, now the user unknowingly gives permission to have their information listed on the front end if the attendee list option in the backend is set incorrectly.

    Honestly, this whole front-end attendee list “feature” has been embarrassingly poorly rolled out. It should have NEVER been on by default, and if the option is not checked in the event editor, the checkbox shouldn’t even be on the page. Hiding it by CSS is a really embarrassing solution to continue to put out as well.

    The real solution requires adding a filter, and editing a template file.

    To hide the attendee list on all events, add the following line to your functions.php file:

    add_filter('tribe_tickets_plus_hide_attendees_list', '__return_true');

    To hide the checkbox on the tickets form, you will need to copy the relevant template files to your theme, depending on which ecommerce plugin you use (eddtickets, shopptickets, wootickets, wpectickets):

    Copy from: wp-content/plugins/events-tickets-plus/src/views/{your_ecommerce_plugin}/tickets.php
    Copy to: wp-content/themes/{your_theme}/tribe-events/{your_ecommerce_plugin}/tickets.php

    Then edit the following block (line numbers vary, depending on your plugin)

    Remove the following lines:

    					'<tr class="tribe-tickets-attendees-list-optout">' .
    						'<td colspan="4">' .
    							'<input type="checkbox" name="optout_'  . esc_attr( $ticket->ID ) . '" id="tribe-tickets-attendees-list-optout-edd">' .
    							'<label for="tribe-tickets-attendees-list-optout-edd">' .
    								esc_html__( 'Don\'t list me on the public attendee list', 'event-tickets' ) .
    							'</label>' .
    						'</td>' .
    					include dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../meta.php';

    If you are using the option to collect user information at registration, you will need to change the following line:

    include dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../meta.php';

    include get_template_directory() . '/tribe-events/meta.php';

    if you use a child theme, it will be:
    include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/tribe-events/meta.php';

    You will also need to copy the wp-content/plugins/events-tickets-plus/src/views/meta.php file to wp-content/themes/{your_theme}/tribe-events/meta.php to load the event attendee fields. Alternatively, you could remove the include line altogether, and just copy/paste the contents of meta.php into that place in the tickets.php template file.

    I think the very best solution is to offer a global “Enable/Disable front-end attendee list” not only a per event option.

    I hate to be harsh, but The Events Calendar team should really be embarrassed for how they have handled this, and how many site owners were unexpectedly exposing their users publicly for event registrations.


    but if they update the plugin is best, in my case, the CSS solution!


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    Hi @acqua,

    I see what you mean! You;re actually missing quite a few setting in the admin. Would you be willing to share your system information with me so I can check to see what that is? You can grab that by heading to Events > Settings > Help, copying the System Information at the bottom of the screen and pasting it here as a private reply.

    I just tried the CSS one more time and it appears to remove the Related Events when I do. Perhaps try using the Simple Custom CSS plugin as another means of adding in those styles.


    @Quentin — I appreciate you chiming in here but want to clarify my earlier reply because I believe you may have misunderstood. There is indeed a setting in the plugin to disable Related Events in the plugin. However, @acqua is not seeing that option and needed a solution immediately and the CSS was a fallback to help in the meantime.

    Your point about the public attendee list option is certainly well taken and appreciated but quite out of scope for the topic of this question. I know you have chimed into other threads here voicing the same concerns, but I would encourage you to voice those in a productive way rather than jumping into unrelated threads where we are trying to support other people.

    To your specific point about a global option for the setting, that is indeed something we are looking into and hoping to implement. I realize you are disappointed and frustrated by our initial implementation of the public attendee option, but I do hope that our quick efforts add configurable settings is providing some relief on the road to us doing more in future updates.


    I am going to keep this thread open but only to directly address the original author of the thread, if needed. If anyone has additional issues or questions, then I would encourage you to open a new thread so we can provide you direct support there.


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