Successful migration to your plugin, but my navbar disappeared without error….

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO Successful migration to your plugin, but my navbar disappeared without error….

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  • #930263
    Dennis Freeze

    Howdy. I have successfully dropped Event Manager Pro (Marcus Sykes), and converted to The Event Calendar Pro for my client’s site, I even exported all Venues, Organizers, and Events from our test installation, and then imported all that into WordPress using the WordPress XML export mechanism. You have to export single post types separately in the WP Export, so I exported the three custom post types for your system as separate files, and then imported the 3 files with Events last.

    This all appears to have worked. The import handled 640 venues — my client is a radio station, and they list music events all over Northern California. It also imported 196 events, and linked them up to the right Venues.

    And I must say — your plugin loads noticeably faster than the old plugin we were using!

    It doesn’t break my Javascript, either. There’s some reasonably complex stuff in there for displaying what’s currently playing on the radio station, and it even shows the last 10 things that were played. Polling happens every 15 seconds, and I’m using WP’s Ajax interface to pass data back and forth. This still works, which is another testament to your code not interfering with other code. It took several days to get all of my Javascript working again after the old plugin brutalized its way into my code stack!

    BUT: here’s the only thing I’m found wrong — my navbar is missing. Gone. Doesn’t show up in the generated HTML code. The Javascript that manages it is loaded without error, but the HTML itself appears to be gone. Here’s the HTML hierarchy in my normal theme pages:


    On the calendar-related pages, it looks like the #content-wrapper div (same level as my #header and #footer) has been replaced by your #tribe-events-pg-template div. And I really mean replaced — did you flush those DOM objects from #content-wrapper, or am I just missing it from working 14 straight hours?

    As you’ll notice, my navbar is down inside #content-wrapper, and I use absolute positioning to move it up visually underneath the header. The advantage of this technique is that the navbar code appears below the actual page content, which is good for SEO and for accessibility by screen readers.

    Is that what’s really happening? Your insertion of calendar material is wiping out my content, which unfortunately includes my navbar?

    Will I have to move my navbar up into the #header so it doesn’t get zapped? I can move it into the header if need be — I was just trying to squeeze more SEO juice out of the technique, and it is pretty clever. But it probably makes a miniscule difference anyway….

    Thanks for any guidance. I’ve left the calendar up and running because I have to — the radio station’s calendar is very popular. Check it out — it’s at

    I do need to restore the navbar on the calendar pages, and then we’re all set!



    Hi Dennis,

    Thanks for purchasing our plugin and that is quite the migration there. Glad for the most part it went well.

    I used to run radio station websites (until clear channel swallowed them) and used the Events Manager on it though I could never get them to make it a really good calendar with tons of events.

    I can try to help out on this theme issue.

    We do indeed use our own template, but there is an option to change to the default page template in the event settings on this page:

    Events > Settings > Display Tab > Events template

    Changing that to the Default Page Template may fix the issue.

    Another method to try since it sounds like you are using javascript to create the nav then and it needs a div to place it.

    Could be to try following our themer’s guide:

    And move the default event template found here:


    Move that to your theme and you can add the div you need to it and it will not be overwritten during updates.

    Let me know if that works for you.


    Dennis Freeze


    Thanks, I’ll tweak the template as you suggested — should be a trivial fix. If you don’t hear back from me on this one, assume it’s fixed. 🙂


    Ok sounds good let us know if you have any issues.


    Dennis Freeze

    OK, I’m good. Cloned the template, added what I needed, and it works….



    Great, glad it helps, I am going to go ahead and close this ticket, but if you need help on this or something else please post a new ticket.


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