Submit Event Button?

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    I’ve already read the previous thread on this, however, the links you gave the other member are no longer valid and the thread has been closed. Can you explain exactly how to add a submit button styled just like the other buttons on the actual events calendar. I really would have thought this would have already been included on the calendar when you buy a $50. add-on! I’ve already got so much to do just to try and make this events calendar community add-on work with my site I shouldn’t have to figure out how to code a matching “submit button”. I guess it’s my fault. I just assumed that after buying it it would work right out of the box like any other plugin—just a few settings and good to go. Wrong. I seriously hope I haven’t wasted money for something I can’t figure out. I also still need to figure out why my “Submit Event” page doesn’t look like your sample. 🙁


    Hi hometownchatter,

    I’m sorry you’re having a disappointing experience – and we absolutely want to help as much as we reasonably can.

    What I would point out however is that only other issue I’m aware of that you have raised related to a conflict with your theme: we do understand it is frustrating when that happens, however we simply cannot predict every way in which other plugins/themes will bend and adapt WordPress and how each one will interact with our own plugin.

    To the problem at hand, though – when you say you want the submit button to be styled like all other buttons do you mean for instance you want it to appear like the “Event List” and “Calendar” links that appear on the calendar grid view? (Also, I’m unsure which other thread you are referring to – could you link to it?)

    Unfortunately I can’t view your event submission form to see how the buttons look in your case – but perhaps you could share a screenshot or even better, provide access so I can see it and look at why it might have an unusual appearance?



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    OK, thanks for clarifying – I think I’ve got a good handle on what you want here: that is, to add a Submit Event link next to the Event List and Calendar buttons – but let me know if I’m off-beam there.

    Just to explain why this isn’t included by default: it’s simply because not every site owner would want it to be present and, of those who do, there are probably a wide range of differing needs as to what views should include it and where it should be positioned. For that reason anything like this is essentially left open for people to customize as they would like – I hope that gives a sense of why we do (or do not) include certain features.

    So the first thing to do is familiarize yourself with our themer’s guide and also this tutorial on template overrides. Both are definitely worth reading before you embark on any changes like this 🙂

    Here is a snippet showing some code you can find in the gridview.php template:

    You would want to add an extra link in there and that might look like this: (as noted in the snippet, do change the URL to whatever makes sense in your case).

    Does that help here?


    Okay…I think those links will help me tremendously in adding the submit event button to the calendar. Thanks so much. Did you have a chance to take a look at the actual submit event form? It seems to have an extra drop-down menu under the Country field and it has an extra text box above State or Province field. Will I be able to go into one of the files and add or remove boxes from that form as well? Headed right now to go read all you’ve given me and see if I can’t make this happen! 🙂


    Yeah there are a few strange artifacts there – I’m not completely sure if they are being caused by your theme or another plugin though. To determine that you would I’m afraid have to:

    – Deactivate all non-Modern Tribe plugins
    – Switch to a default, unmodified theme (such as Twenty Twelve)

    And check the submit form at that point, then reactivate everything one at a time and see when those artifacts come back to life. I hope that makes sense but let me know if you need any clarification.


    I think this has been covered here (and in another thread) sufficiently so I’m going to close this thread now – of course feel free to create new threads as needed.

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