Split Recurring Events completely to separate events

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    I have several sets of recurring events, but we are looking to utilize the RSVP functionality which doesn’t work for recurring events.
    Can we somehow completely separate the recurring events, to break them up into single events? I see you can split off a single event, and you can do a batch split (splitting past events with future events) but I don’t see how to split ALL events singularly. Is that possible? Please advise, thanks!


    Hello @wegoecono,

    You’re absolutely correct: the best way to break recurring events into separate events is to edit each instance, which will break it out of the series when saving the changes. In fact, when you click the “Edit Single” option for any event in a series (screenshot), then it will trigger a warning asking if you are sure you want to make the changes because doing so will make it a single event.

    Sorry that’s likely not what you were hoping for, but does this at least help answer your question? Please let me know.



    I guess this works. So actually, if we have recurring events (with say, 20 in the series) we’d need to “edit single” for every single one to break them out separately so we could use the RSVP option? There is no way to go in and en masse say, “break these all up separately”? WE’d have to literally go into EACH instance to break it up?

    If that’s the case, it may actually be quicker to add the overall event (moving forward) as a recurring event, then go back to each one and edit it w/o even making changes and just resave it to break it out – rather than singularly adding each event on its own. yes?


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by wegoecono.

    Absolutely, you are correct and spot on — it’s a little cumbersome to go through each instance, for sure, but will certainly get the job done.



    Thanks – last question then: With the RSVP functionality now added after we split up all these events, is there a way to have an email sent to someone specifically whenever an RSVP is added? Can we designate say, an admin in charge of the RSVPs so they get a ping whenever someone confirms they are attending? Thanks!


    Hey @wegoecono — hope you had a great weekend!

    Excellent follow-up question. I’m afraid that Event Tickets does not include a setting to notify an admin (or a specific admin for that matter) when someone has RSVP’d for an event.

    It’s actually a feature request we have on our long-term roadmap.

    Someone actually created a workaround plugin that might help though: https://github.com/thebeard/-INACTIVE-events-calendar-pro-organizer-mail


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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