Spinning Loading Wheel on calendar widget after updating to 4.4.16-4.4.18

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO Spinning Loading Wheel on calendar widget after updating to 4.4.16-4.4.18

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  • #1360306
    Chris Claghorn

    It appears to only have this issue when my clients have a site using Ultimatum as the parent theme. Ultimatum’s support states that there is a css file that needs to be force loaded for this to be fixed. The file in reference is widget-calendar-full.css in the path wp-content/plugins/events-pro/src/resources/css. Here is a temporary link showing the issue: https://ititech.biz/oembed-test/. Please advise on how to fix the issue I am experiencing with the Events Calendar Pro widget.

    Reporting the same issue as: https://theeventscalendar.com/support/forums/topic/widget-has-endless-spinner-with-after-pro-4-4-17-update/


    Hi Chris,

    Sorry to hear about the issue.

    Try pasting the below snippet in your theme’s functions.php file and see if that does the trick.

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'tec_widget_stylesheet' );
    * Register our stylesheet.
    function tec_widget_stylesheet() {
    wp_register_style( 'tecWidgetStylesheet', plugins_url( 'events-pro/src/resources/css', dirname(__FILE__) ) );
    wp_enqueue_style( 'tecWidgetStylesheet' );

    If it doesn’t, could you zip up your theme and child theme folders and share them with me?


    Chris Claghorn

    No luck after adding the snippet to my functions.php file. I really do not want to zip up my entire site and send to you. Is there no other options for me to try??


    Hi Chris,

    I don’t need your entire site only your theme and child theme, which should reside in the wp-contents/themes folder on your server.

    Meanwhile I will check with the team is someone has an idea about a fix.


    Chris Claghorn

    I found a way to temporarily fix. If I create a custom sidebar and place the events calendar widget in it, everything loads properly. I don’t even have to use the sidebar in a layout for it to fix the issue. Not sure why but it works.


    🙂 Funky solution! Would have never thought of that.

    Congratulations on finding that one, happy to hear it works!

    Since this is marked resolved I am going to close this ticket, but if you need anything else related to this topic or another please create a new ticket and we’ll be happy to help.


    PS: If you like our plugins, and you didn’t yet do so 🙂 we would be happy to receive a review in the wordpress.org repository. Thanks!

    PS2: We’d be also grateful if you would give us feedback on your satisfaction with support. Just click on one of the classy looking emojis below. 🙂 If you can spare a few words, that’s even better. Doublethanks!


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