Sorting Events Not Working

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  • #1037272
    Annie Tandy

    I always sort the published events by date so I can group edit the tags each week for the weekend. However the sort by date is not working correctly. When I click the “Start Date” heading once, it sorts the events backwards alphabetically by Title and if I click it again it seems to sort them in the order in which I published the events (most recent first). Honestly, it doesn’t make any sense, but that’s what it’s doing.

    Ideally I would like to be able to search for all events for a given date in the admin panel so I can group edit, but I at least need to be able to sort them in chronological order of event date and go through the pages of events to look for the dates I need.

    I also would love to talk to someone about how I can best do weekend events posts by pulling events from the calendar. Right now I am tagging them “Friday” “Saturday” “Sunday” and using shortcode to make a list under each day’s heading in the post, but I’m wondering if there’s another way. I do this every Wednesday. Here’s an example:


    Howdy Annie,

    I would love to help you with this. ‘

    It sounds like you are seeing some sorting issues with Advanced Post Manager. That is a bug in 4.0. I am sad to see it is affecting your site too. We are working to release an update that will fix it.

    Fortunately though it sounds like the main thing you want to do is a date range search. That is still possible. If you setup your end/start date filters like this, you can search for events within a certain range.


    Would that work for now?

    I like your solution for showing the upcoming weekends events. Have you seen the new This Week widget? That would be an easier solution. It does shows days other than the weekends, but with a bit of modification you could hide those days. If you create a theme override for /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/pro/widgets/this-week-widget.php then add this to the top of that file, it will just show the weekends:

    $week_days = array_slice($week_days, 4);

    If you are not yet familiar with how to create theme overrides, checkout our Themer’s Guide.

    Does that all make sense? Please let me know.


    – Brook

    Annie Tandy

    Oh my gosh, I didn’t know about Advanced Post Manager and love it! So helpful in so many ways. Thank you.

    This Week widget sounds like a great solution. Give me a day or two to figure out how to add and modify it before closing this ticket if you don’t mind. Just want to make sure I don’t run into problems and most likely won’t have time until Thursday.

    Thanks again!

    Najib Manea

    I am seeing the same sorting problems and I am not using Advanced Post Manager. Is this bug in The Events Calendar Pro 4.0 as well?


    Yes this is a bug that is effecting us too, thanks for the work around


    Oh my mistake. I forgot that this would affect Pro as well regardless of whether you are running APM.

    We will definitely be fixing this as soon as we can. Thanks for the reports everyone.

    Annie, I will definitely leave this open until you tell me it’s taken care of. Our threads do autoclose after two weeks, to be honest I have no way to stop that. But it sounds like 2 weeks should be plenty. If not, feel free to open a new topic and continue the discussion. 🙂

    • Brook
    Annie Tandy


    Can I access /plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/pro/widgets/this-week-widget.php somewhere in the WordPress admin panel? I looked in Appearance->Editor and didn’t see any of the widget files.



    Howdy Annie,

    In order to do a proper theme override you will need more than the appearance editor. You will need to create a new file as per our Themer’s Guide that will override the existing one. This new file will be in your theme folder. From there it would be editted via the appearance editor, but it needs to be created first. Most people create files via FTP.

    Does that make sense?

    • Brook
    Annie Tandy

    I can’t access my files since I switched to AWS without major assistance unfortunately. Is there a workaround? Maybe switching my week to start on Monday so the week will end with Sunday? Is there a way to hide events that have past? So if they look at it on Thursday afternoon it will only show Thursday night through Sunday?

    I saw the shortcode and have this so far:

    [tribe_this_week layout=”vertical” count=”100″]


    I see. AWS definitely can make things complicated.

    What if we used CSS to hide the days you don’t want to see? They will still be in the HTML, but not visiblt. If you add this to a CSS file like your themes, then you could hide those days:

    .tribe-this-week-widget-day-4 {
    display: none;

    That work?

    • Brook
    Annie Tandy

    Thanks for understanding. I added this to the Custom Includes in my theme:

    .tribe-this-week-widget-day-0 {display: none;}
    .tribe-this-week-widget-day-1 {display: none;}
    .tribe-this-week-widget-day-2 {display: none;}
    .tribe-this-week-widget-day-3 {display: none;}
    .tribe-this-week-widget-day-4 {display: none;}

    I added day-0 to hide Monday and changed the start of the week to Monday instead of Sunday. And it worked to hide the week days. Thanks!

    Here’s a link to a screen shot of what it looks like now:

    There are two issues:
    1. It doesn’t actually show the events under the day’s heading. It just has a link for “View All X Events” and I would like all of the events to show for each day.
    2. Can I hide the heading and links for previous and next?



    It doesn’t actually show the events under the day’s heading. It just has a link for “View All X Events” and I would like all of the events to show for each day.

    Unfortunately this is not going to be possible with your current circumstance. it will require a fair big of heavy lifting when it comes to modifying files that can’t be modified without direct access to the server’s files, the kind you are finding difficult to get. And even with that access, it is going to require a good bit of knowledge of WP Queries to do.

    I wish I had better news on that front. You could hide the subnav though with a dash of CSS:

    .tribe-this-week-widget-wrapper .tribe-events-sub-nav {
    display: none;
    • Brook
    Annie Tandy

    That is a major bummer! I appreciate your help.

    Have a great weekend!


    You too Annie. I wish we could have wrapped this topic on a more successful note. Once you do have access to your server again let us know if we can help make those final changes. Or, it’s also possible that similar changes will be part of future updates to Events Calendar Pro as we are still improving that widget based on feedback. So keep an eye out there.

    Have a good weekend!

    – Brook

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