Single URL for Recurring Event

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  • #106350

    Is it possible to have a single URL for a recurring event instead of having it link to a separate page for each instance? Events Organizer has this feature and we really need it for SEO purposes. We do not want to index duplicate content of every recurring instance. Also, from a Social Media stance, if someone LIKES the event we want all of them to count towards the one event page and not hundreds of pages. Same goes if someone copies the URL from the event and shares it or emails it to someone. Thank you for your help!


    Fantastic question!

    Yes, that’s possible, but it would have to be done as a customization and would require some careful thought. While we don’t have any snippets or anything like that already prepared for this sort of change, we’d certainly value any feature requests you might post along these lines.

    Essentially though, two possible paths you could explore are deciding what URL should be treated as canonical then:

    • Redirecting users there automatically should they land on the URL for a different instance (you might also modify all links to recurring events to point directly to this canonical instance)
    • Or else letting visitors land on the relevant pages but add a robot meta tag to instruct search engines not to index them (and provide a link to the canonical page in the meta fields)

    Of course there may well be other strategies you could employ here. I hope that helps and please do post a feature request 🙂


    I’ll go ahead and close this one – but if we can assist with anything else please don’t hesitate to create new threads as needed. Thanks!

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