single event page not showing default sidebar

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    greetings. I’m using the Default Events Template and have been unable to get the sidebar to show up in the single event view. The default page layout we are using is set to Right Sidebar.

    Also, we’re wanting to have the image & description appear before the event details on the single event page. Any guidance to make that happen?

    We currently only have one event input for July 17, 2013


    Hi Josh,

    Our plugin will not always pay attention to page layouts you have set in your theme. You may need to modify the behavior in your theme to get sidebars showing up properly for events. If you’re using the Default Events Template the plugin uses /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/views/ecp-single-template.php as the template for single events. In there you’ll see get_sidebar() called but all this does is loads sidebar.php from your theme. So here’s where you might need to override things. Try making a copy of /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/views/ecp-single-template.php and place in an ‘events’ folder in your theme. Then you can make changes and retain them the next time you update. Instead of get_sidebar(), replace that with this to call your sidebar directly:

    You’ll of course need to verify that that is indeed the slug for your right sidebar. This will be somewhere in your theme…

    If you want to move things around for single events, make a copy of /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/views/single.php and place in that same ‘events’ folder and move things around however you want.

    Does that help?

    – Jonah


    great. just what I needed. I’ll let you know once I’ve got it straightened out. Another request has come up – can we set the calendar to default to a specific month? The music festival happens in July so folks here would like the calendar to default there. thanks!


    Hi Josh, sounds good. I would just link directly to that month: – that’ll be the easiest way.

    – Jonah


    Hello Jonah I have a similar problem, the event show an undesiderable list of posts and categories at the bottom of the page. Maybe there’s something set in the template. I am using Gantry framework.


    Hi Simone, that sounds like a different problem. Can you please create another thread so we can keep things organized? Please also provide some more detail about your issue and include some examples we can take a look at.



    Hi Jonah, I have already a thread but not solved. I saw another plugin of a new developer that it seems not to have the problems of events calendar pro, but I would like your staff to assist my request, actually there’s no solution and the plugin is unuseful for me. I also noticed in another post in this blog, a user using Gantry and having the same issue: this man says the problem is solved but if I go to his website, the menu categoriese etc after the event detail are still present. I think you are supposed to help me…


    Hi Simone,

    Do you have a link to the other thread? Is this a thread for the issue you are describing with the list of posts and categories at the bottom of the page?

    – Jonah


    Yes this a thread for the issue with the list of posts and categories at the bottom of the page.


    Hello Jonah, sorry but why did you ask me for ? No one here is answering to my assistance request. I understand you are doing your best, but please consider I am swithing to an alternative plugin. Without assistance, I cannot be a satisfied customer.


    Simone, do you have a link you can share so I can take a look at the issue?


    Hello Jonah still I appreciate your efforts, but please provide me an answer as soon as possible as otherwise I have to urgenlty switch to Timely as a better solution


    Hi Simone,

    That is your theme sidebar showing at the bottom. If you don’t want that there you will need to first tell me what you have set as your Events Template in Events > Settings > Template.


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